Hi all! In this article, I continue the review of mail services that are popular in our country (and some neighbors).

We have already figured out that without a modern user of Runet, and even more so a freelancer or blogger, there is nowhere: after all, to register on any Internet service, be it hosting or a freelance exchange, you need an email address. , about how to register there, work and configure the interface, as well as delete and restore mail. Today we will consider in the same detail one of the main competitors of gmail in the Runet - namely Yandex.Mail.

Free Yandex mail: a bit of history

Let's take a quick look at Yandex mail history. Like Google, the Yandex search engine today is not just a tool for finding information on the Internet, but a whole system of various services designed to make life easier for a user of the worldwide web (well, how to make it easier ... sometimes confusing even more, but let's not talk about sad things). Yandex email is one of these services.

Yandex launched its own mail service in 2000, by which time it was already quite a popular national search engine. By the way, my mailbox on Yandex was registered in 2003. In the same year, Spamodefense appeared - a technology designed to protect mail users from spam. In 2010, the anti-spam algorithm was improved, a personal "Spam defense" appeared: in addition to using general rules spam definitions, the user can customize and use their own.

In 2014 interface postal service was completely updated, added the ability to work with mail offline, as well as work with multiple mailboxes. Since then, the mail has not undergone significant changes, but Yandex does not leave its mail service alone: ​​improvements and changes are constantly taking place. About the history of the creation of these two search engines I have .

Registration by mail

Let's start with registration. To create Yandex mail, you need to register an account with Yandex. How to do it? We go to www.yandex.ru and see on the right upper corner browser like this:

Alternatively, we can immediately type the Yandex mail address mail.yandex.ru and see a different picture:

Select "Create mail" or "Registration". In both cases, we get to the registration form:

Everything is extremely simple.

OK it's all over Now. Click the "Register" button and you're done. We fall into our new mail, and we are greeted by the setup wizard. You can skip this step, you can use its services. It suggests setting up:

  • Link to mobile app
  • Decor
  • mail collector

Yes, it's better to skip it. We will consider these settings in order of the general queue. Let's now figure out how to set up Yandex mail.

The mail web interface looks like this:

If you read my review Gmail, or have a mailbox in this mail service - you can pay attention to the undoubted similarity of both interfaces. There are also differences.

As in Gmail, setting up a mailbox can be divided into two stages - setting up an account and setting up the actual web interface.

To enter the account settings from the mail, go to the upper right corner of the web interface, where a circle with an icon is displayed, and select "Account Management":

If we are not in the mail, but on start page Yandex yandex.ru, then in the upper right corner of the browser we will have the following picture:

Click either on the icon or on the login and select the "Passport" menu item. We get to the Yandex.Passport service, which allows you to manage all account data:

As you know, registering an account on Yandex allows you not only to create a Yandex email, but also get access to all other Yandex services. We are now only interested in mail, so let's see what in Yandex.Passport can be attributed to setting up a mail service.

  1. Photography and personal data is clear to everyone, I think.
  2. Account security. Here you are invited to link a phone number (if it is not already linked), change the password, security question, and so on.
  3. Addresses Email. In this setting, you can bind a spare email - it can be used if you need to restore the mailbox, in addition, notifications from Yandex will be sent to it if there are any problems with your mail (I would like it without it, of course).

In addition, additional mail addresses (aliases) and third-party addresses from which mail is collected are displayed here. We will talk about all this a little later.

  1. Access control. There are two interesting possibilities here:
  • Enable app passwords
  • Set up two-factor authentication

Application passwords

What is it in relation to mail? Let's say mail comes to you on a computer or on a phone where a mail client program is installed. This program should receive mail from Yandex, respectively, log into your account. You can create an individual password only for this mail application: with this password, it will log into your account and have access only to mail. This method allows you to further secure your account without sharing a common email password with individual applications.

Go to Access control - "Enable application passwords":

In the window that appears, select "Create New Password"and select the item" Mail ":

Enter the name of the password, for example, Outlook, and click "Create":

Password generated. We click "Finish". Now we just have to specify it in the settings of the mail program.

  • Please note that after changing the general password in your Yandex account, including after recovery forgotten password, you will need to change all app passwords as well.

Two-factor authentication

Entrance to mailbox is carried out through the login and password that you specified when creating the mailbox. However, Yandex makes it possible to replace permanent password to disposables using a two-factor identification algorithm. Let's now see how to set it up and how to use it.

Go to Access Control - "Set up two-factor authentication".

Here do without mobile phone won't work anymore. We indicate the phone number, we receive an SMS with a code that will need to be entered in a special window. After that, we go to step 2.

We come up with a pin code. Please note: I entered 123456 as a code - but this number did not work for me:

This pin code must be remembered, but it is better to write it down in a safe place: we will have to constantly work with it.

Now we need the Yandex.Key app on a mobile device. This application generates one-time passwords, which will be used to log into your account.

If it is not installed yet, you will need to download it (by getting a link or by finding it yourself in Google Play or APP Store). After installation, add an account to Yandex.Key by reading the QR code:

Or manually by entering the login and secret key:

After adding an account on a mobile device, you will need to enter the pin code you created in step 2. The application will generate a password that you will need to enter in step 4. The password is valid for 30 seconds; given that it consists of 8 random Latin letters, it can be a daunting task to enter it in time. If you do not have time, wait for the next password.

When you enable two-factor authentication, all apps are required to use app passwords. You can also connect them at this step.

Like this. Pretty complicated process, I must say. The good thing is that you only need to do it once.

There are now two ways to log in to your account:

  1. First way. Run Yandex.Key on your mobile device. When entering the application, you need to enter the pin code that you created in step 2 of the authentication settings:

The program generates a password that must be entered in tandem with the login:

  1. The second way. Click on the QR code icon:

We get a picture with a QR code:

We launch the application, click on it "Login by QR code". The camera turns on, when you point it at the code, it is read. Next, the phone informs Yandex about the successful reading of the code, and you get access to your account.

By the way, in the login form you see the “Alien computer” box. This is also one of the ways to protect your account. If you access mail from someone else's computer, especially one that is in public access, I advise you to check this box. If you forget to log out of your account - when you close the browser (or after a few hours if the browser window remains open) your session will be closed. But it’s better, of course, not to forget about the need to log out of your account, especially when logging in from someone else’s computer.

So, we have protected the account and mail. Keep in mind: when using two-factor authentication to enter your mail, you need to have a smartphone with Yandex.Key installed. How convenient and justified it is for your work with mail is up to you.

A few more words about setting up an account. When you click on the icon with a photo (or without a photo) in the drop-down menu, we see the item "Add user":

What is it and why? The fact is that you can have several Yandex accounts for various purposes - for work, for use as a purely home mail address, and so on. You can quickly switch between them without leaving one and constantly entering another. To do this, click "Add User". Enter the login and password of another account, and now you just need to click on the desired account to enter it:

Pretty ergonomic, right?

Now let's move on to setting up the actual mail service.

Yandex mail is configured through the gear icon in the upper right corner:


Note that the current menu is displayed in the left column. Thus, you can switch from item to item in the settings not only inside the Settings window, but also through vertical menu. This is a feature of the Yandex interface, quite convenient.

As you can see, there are many settings. Well, let's deal with them.

Let's start with the design. To the left of the gear you can see the icon, it is also repeated in the list of settings. It's just a choice colors and background image:

In this menu, you can choose various “wallpapers”, all kinds of options for coloring menu elements, play around and choose the design to your liking. But there is nothing particularly interesting here. We move on.

  • Name and portrait - there should not be any difficulties.
  • Send letters from an address: this is more interesting. If we open the dropdown list, we will see several addresses with different domain zones, in addition, the address on ya.ru. What's the matter, because during registration we indicated only one Yandex mail address - on yandex.ru?

The fact is that when registering a mailbox in any national domain, mailboxes are automatically created in the other three national domains Yandex, in the .com zone and in the ya.ru domain. These addresses are aliases (that is, synonyms, analogues) of your main postal address. A letter sent to the address will come to my mail in the same way as one sent to Yandex, thus taking care of the uniqueness of the user's login in all its zones and domains.

So in this setting, we can specify which of the mail aliases is your primary address, that's all.

  • In addition, we can immediately make the mail alias and login of the Yandex account the number of our phone associated with the mailbox: the “Set phone number as address” setting. In this case, a one-to-one correspondence is established between the phone number and the account: only one additional login can be specified for each account, and a specific phone number can be a login for only one account. Phew, are you still confused in these aliases, accounts and logins?

In general, the point here is that we put a tick, make a few mouse clicks - and your phone number will become your login and your email address, while you can continue to use the old Yandex mail login (and address, of course). In addition, only with the old login will you be able to restore access to mail - well, we'll talk about that later.

  • Your Signatures: Here you can create multiple signatures for different letters and even different aliases. Everything seems to be clear.

Go to the next settings item: "Rules for processing incoming mail."

Here we can set the rules by which incoming messages will be processed, as well as add addresses to the black and white lists. You can independently configure the operation of Spam Defense by telling the algorithm which addresses are spamming and which are clear of such suspicions.

As for setting up the rules, everything is also quite simple and clear. You can create a rule using ready-made templates(move letters, mark with a label, delete) or using a convenient constructor:

It seems to me that, compared to Gmail, the Yandex setup interface is more convenient. What do you think? But let's see what happens next.

The next setting is Mail Collection.

Like any self-respecting mail service, Yandex provides its users with the opportunity to receive mail from other mailboxes.

Enter the name of your third-party mailbox, password - and get into the mail collector settings:

As you can see, you can immediately set a rule for processing mail from other mailboxes: assign a label or place it in the folder you specified, not necessarily Inbox. You can specify an unlimited number of such boxes; in addition, the collector can be disabled at any time.

You can create new folders in the following setting: "Folders and Tags".

I created a new "Work" folder:

New folders may have different level nesting.

Here you can also create rules according to which incoming messages will fall into certain folders. You can also create rules for labels, in addition, it is possible to create new labels:

In the "Security" setting, we can change the password, bind additional mailboxes, which can be useful for mail recovery. You can also link a phone number to your account here, if you haven't already done so, and create the app passwords we've already reviewed.

A useful feature is the visitor log:

In it, you can see from which ip the mail was entered and the actions in it. If you find any suspicious activity, it might be time to sound the alarm!

We have already looked at the "Design", let's go to the "Contacts" now.

I don't have any contacts right now. However, you can see what actions you can take here:

  • Load contacts from a file;
  • Save to file - these two options are used to transfer contacts between accounts.
  • Contacts can be grouped for the convenience of working with them - for example, group mailing.

Here you can also set the interface settings for displaying contacts in a letter.

If you enable it, a box with "Case" will be displayed in the lower right corner of the interface:

This is something like an organizer-light - it reminds you of the planned things. AT mobile version Cases will also be displayed.

The last item in the Settings is "Other options".

Here you can set the parameters for displaying letters on the page and the parameters of the letters themselves.

Well, we have sorted out the Settings. My opinion has not changed - everything is very simple and easy to understand.

Now let's move on to letters.

Above the list of letters, we see buttons that organize work with letters, as well as the View menu and a gear that appears when you hover the mouse over the button bar:

The disappearing and appearing gear is the control of personal buttons, the value of which can be set independently:

For example, the "Auto Reply" button can be assigned text that can be quickly inserted when replying to an email; "To folder" - specify a specific folder, and when you click this button, the letter will immediately go to this folder. I can’t say that such a tool is very convenient to use, but it can’t be called superfluous either, it can be useful if you often have to perform any of the same actions with letters.

View button customizes appearance interface:

In addition to optional interface settings (may be useful for improving usability when working with various devices), the interface type is set here: normal, two-pane, or three-panel with an email viewing area. You can view the contents of the letter to the right or below the letter.

The “Group by topic” checkbox allows you to create chains of letters: letters united by one topic will be displayed one above the other “in order of receipt”. This feature is similar to Gmail's and can be very user-friendly: no need to set additional terms grouping, all correspondence with recipients is visible at once.

If you open a letter, all buttons become active, you can work with the letter - reply, delete, and so on. Button "This is spam!" not only sends the letter to spam, but also allows the Spamodefense algorithm to know that all similar letters should be sent there without hesitation. On the contrary, if the letter is defined as spam, you can click the "Not spam!" - and "Spamooborona" will also draw the appropriate conclusions.

Thus, spam Yandex mail can be managed quite flexibly, also taking into account the presence of white and black lists.

How to use Yandex mail

We are smoothly moving on to the issues of using Yandex mail.

Before that, we only talked about the Yandex web interface. In fact, this is not the only opportunity to read mail on Yandex (well, write a letter, of course).

In addition to the web interface, Yandex provides its users with three more options for accessing mail:

  • Using the Mobile Yandex.Mail app for devices with Android based and iOS, available on PlayMarket and AppStore respectively. The application is suitable for installation on the phone;
  • By using mobile interface. To use it, just enter the mail from any mobile device, for example, a tablet;
  • Using mail programs installed on the computer, such as MS Outlook.

Attention! Keep in mind that when using two-factor authentication, all apps need to use app passwords.

Using the mobile version of the interface and application should not cause problems. It is a little more difficult to set up receiving mail in the mail program. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the web interface - let's say you are used to your mail program and persist in your desire to work only with it, then in order to download Yandex mail, you need to make some settings both in the program itself and and in Yandex mail.

You can work with mail using two protocols: IMAP and POP3. In the first case, you will receive mail with the folder structure preserved, your mail program will be synchronized with the mail server, and copies of the letters you send will remain on the server. In the case of using the POP3 protocol, incoming messages arrive in a "single stream" and fall into the "Inbox" folder of the mail program, sent letters will only be in the local program.

In the web interface, you need to set following settings: All settings - email programs(we did not cover this setting - it can only be found in the left menu):

Put a tick in front of the protocol with which you are going to work.

In the mail program, you need to specify the following:

In both cases, you also need to specify a username and password to access the mail server (and again I remind you about application passwords).

Web interface

If you prefer to use the web interface, then it will not be superfluous to see what functions there are for sending and receiving emails.

Let's start with the fact that the number unread emails is displayed in the header of the browser tab in which the mail is open, which is quite convenient:

I sent myself a couple of test emails from another account. Please note: one more item has been added to the menu with buttons above the letters: “All letters”

You can check the "People" box, and then the letters that I sent to myself from another account will be displayed, and service letters from Yandex will not be visible. Another handy feature.

You can also see that there are attachments in incoming emails. They are clearly visible:

If you press the button (in the red frame on the screen) - all attachments can be downloaded in one archive.

Open one of the incoming emails:

You can reply or forward a letter not only using the top buttons, but also in the body of the letter. Using the arrow below, you can immediately go to the next letter without returning to the list of letters. Everything is very clear.

Deleted letters do not disappear forever, but are moved to the "Deleted Items" folder, from where they can be restored if necessary. It is convenient to drag letters from folder to folder with the mouse.

Let's write a letter now.

Laconic design, already familiar to us:

But if you look closely, there are also some very interesting "chips".

  • Well, notification of receipt by the addressee of your letter is quite traditional here.

Yandex mail for domain

On some mail services there is such an interesting service as the organization of mail for a domain. Yandex is no exception.

What is mail for a domain? You can register a mailbox on Yandex with a name ending not with the usual @yandex.ru, but with the domain name of your site.

If you have a website, you must have encountered the problem of organizing mail on it. Each hosting has its own rules that you had to deal with. Yandex, on the other hand, provides a much more convenient tool for creating and using mail. What are the advantages:

  1. You do not need to deal with the hosting control panel, learn the process of creating and managing mail. You can use your familiar Yandex interface.
  2. When the site moves to another hosting, the mail remains unchanged - there is no need to study the mail rules of the new provider.
  3. At technical problems hoster, if your site is temporarily unavailable - mail continues to work.
  4. Disk space. Yandex provides an opportunity to create 1000 mailboxes and an unlimited size of the mailbox. If you use economical hosting plans that limit disk space This is a very significant benefit!
  5. Spam. We have already said that Yandex has a very advanced anti-spam algorithm.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages of organizing mail on Yandex, and not on your own hosting. Well, let's figure out how Yandex mail for a domain is configured.

The easiest way to find where to organize such mail in Yandex is to enter “Yandex for Domain” in the Yandex search box and follow the first link to go to the appropriate service pdd.yandex.ru. We get to the page for adding a domain:

We specify the domain and get to the page that asks for confirmation that you have access to manage the specified domain:

Let's deal with step 1. There are three options for verifying that you own a domain.

  • The first way is to create a file, for example, in Notepad or any other text editor, with the specified name and content, and with file manager hosting transfer it to the root directory of your site. Pretty simple.
  • The second way - through the control panel of your hosting, add a record of a certain type in the DNS editor. To be honest, I did not find the opportunity to do this in the PU of my hosting. So let's skip this option.

  • The third way is to change the contact address at the domain registrar. Again, a failure, because in the .ru, .by and .rf domain zones, registrars do not disclose the contact address, and my site is in the .ru zone.

So that leaves the first option.

Dropping the file into root folder site and click "Verify Domain Ownership".

So, now we need to change the MX records in the DNS of the domain (if you don’t know: MX records are used to route mail, the abbreviation stands for mail exchanger - mail exchanger) or even delegate the domain to Yandex - in this case, you don’t need to register anything :

Let's not delegate anything now, let's see what can be done in the hosting control panel.

In my hosting, it turns out that you can select MX servers for some mail servers. Well, we indicate "Yandex Mail". If this were not the case, it would be necessary to select "Custom MX servers" and register the above values:

Click "Check MX Records". It looks like everything is in order, you can start setting up mailboxes:

Let's come up with the original login admin, enter the password - and the mailbox has been successfully added.

When you enter the mailbox, you will need to complete the registration:

We enter the data, complete the registration - and you're done. You can use mail for a domain; its interface is no different from regular mail.

What are the features of mail for a domain on Yandex:

  • Standard access to mail - at the address of the form https://mail.yandex.ru/?pdd_domain= your_domain.ru , where your_domain - Domain name your site:

but it is also possible to configure the entrance to the mail at the address of the form http://mail.your_domain.ru;

  • You can place a mail login form on the site - for this, you need to register the corresponding HTML code on the site, which is available via the link in the mail registration window;
  • It is possible to transfer the mail of users of your site from other mail services;
  • Each domain user has access to 10 GB of space on Yandex.Disk;
  • 1000 mailboxes and the ability to increase this number by contacting support.

With the mail setup, you need to work a little, go to the control panel of your hosting and make some settings there, but in general, nothing complicated, right?

What to do if the user forgot Yandex mail?

If the password does not "pass" when you try to log into your account, click the "I can't log in" button and follow the instructions:

Yandex will offer you to restore your mail using your phone, an additional email address (if this data is linked to your account), a security question:

If you do not remember your login, you will need to specify the first and last name for which the account is registered. The system will offer a list of logins from which you need to choose yours.

If no methods to restore access help, you will need to fill out the following form:

Remember as much information about your account as possible. You may have to correspond with the support service, provide documents confirming your identity, and so on - the process is very tedious. So try not to forget your password and enjoy additional features access recovery - linking a phone, an additional email address.

How to delete Yandex mail

If you decide to delete mail on Yandex, I’ll give you banal advice: it’s good to think about whether you really don’t need it: you won’t be able to restore mail after deletion. If you are completely sure that you need to get rid of mail, you can use two methods:

  1. Deleting a mailbox only
  2. Deleting an entire account

Go to Settings - All settings. At the very bottom of the page we find a small inconspicuous link to delete the mailbox:

Click "Delete" and once again think about whether the decision is really final:

Click "Continue". You will need to receive the code on the phone, enter it and specify the password for the account. Everything, the mailbox is deleted.

Deleting an entire account

It will not be possible to permanently and irrevocably delete an account if the Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct or Mail for Domains services are activated in it. The login in this case will be permanently blocked. If these services are not connected, when deleting an account, the same login can be re-registered after 6 months.

It will be impossible to recover deleted data - I remind you again. Of course, it will be possible to enter into correspondence with Yandex technical support, but whether it will be possible to achieve something is a moot point.

So, to delete an account, go to Yandex.Passport, for example, through Settings - Account Management. In the passport we find Other settings - Delete account:

Answer the security question and click "Delete account". Now, when you try to access Yandex mail or any service of a remote account, Yandex will write us a message stating that there is no account with such a login.


Free Yandex mail is a great option if you need a reliable, functional and convenient mailbox.

I see the following advantages:

  • Yandex has many different services that integrate well with mail.
  • The interface seems to me more convenient than the gmail interface, well, this is a matter of taste and habit
  • Fully working spam protection
  • Possibility to connect mail for domain

Do you have something to add or argue? Welcome to the comments.

Switching to corporate Yandex.Mail is very simple and accessible to anyone. No need to have knowledge system administrator just read our instructions

Many small and sometimes medium-sized companies that have their own website use mailboxes on free services such as @mail.ru, @rambler.ru or @gmail.com.

These mail services are improving every day, they are quite reliable and, in general, it is convenient to work with them, but still, in comparison with Yandex corporate mail, which will be discussed later, they have a number of significant drawbacks:

  • Most modern mailboxes look like [email protected]…, or [email protected]..., or some even more intricate set of characters and underscores. This is because 99.99% of the short and beautiful names for the mailbox are already taken. On a free mail service, you will not be able to use the mail name you need.
  • In the case of sending a large number of letters, you quickly get into the database marked "SPAM", the probability of getting into this database when using corporate mail is much less.
  • On the site, on a business card, even handwritten mail on paper, [email protected], looks much more solid and presentable than YourName_Set of [email protected] or any other option from a free mail service.

Now, on the other hand, consider the advantages of Yandex corporate mail.

  • A beautiful mailbox like: [email protected] (or.com, .edu, .biz, .xxx and any other domain).
  • Unlimited mailbox space.
  • built-in free antivirus. Yandex automatically scans emails and prevents viruses from getting into your mail from your computer.
  • Perhaps the most convenient Yandex.Mail interface, with the ability to change annoying topics.
  • Access to mail from any device with Internet access.
  • Ability to use POP3 and IMAP protocols.
  • Built-in smart SPAM filter with the ability to configure it.
  • Diverse useful tools for working with mail in the web interface: listening/viewing attached files, labeling/grouping/sorting messages, the ability to download all attached files in one archive.
  • All mail is stored on Yandex servers and does not take up space on the hosting.
  • Ability to use Yandex.Calendar. For example, you can create a "Meeting" event, assign a date and time, and specify the attendees who will be notified of the upcoming event.
  • Yandex.Disk 10 GB. You no longer need to carry a flash drive with you and be afraid to leave it somewhere. All the necessary information is always at hand.

How to connect corporate Yandex.Mail?

Switching to Yandex.Mail is very simple and accessible to anyone. You do not need to have knowledge of a system administrator, just read our instructions. or contact Yandex.Help.

  • Firstly, Yandex.Mail is always "attached" to the domain, which means that you must have purchased a domain. If you have a website, then you have a domain, and it corresponds to the name of the site. For example, if the address of your site sounds like this: VashDomen.ru, then mailboxes will continue to look like [email protected]. If you don't have a domain or a website, you can always buy a domain on a domain registrar website (nic.ru, reg.ru or any other).
  • Secondly, you need to create (or use an existing) mailbox on Yandex, not yet a domain one. The organization's domain will be assigned to it, and in the future, all settings will be carried out under this account, including the creation and deletion of domain mailboxes.

After logging into your Yandex account using your username and password, you need to follow the link (or type this address in the browser line) https://pdd.yandex.ru/domains_add/

Enter a domain name for your email and click "Add Domain".

There are three ways to confirm the owner of a domain in corporate Yandex Mail:

  • Place the .txt file in the root directory of your site. At the same time, the name and content of the file must comply with the Yandex requirements specified directly on the confirmation page. This is the simplest and most fast way. We recommend using it. If you do not know how to place a file on the site, ask the organization that maintains the site to do this. They will do it for free. The hosted file will not affect the operation of the site.
  • Adding a CNAME Record.This method is for more advanced users. You must enter the domain settings panel, select the DNS editing section, and create a CNAME record with the Name and Value that meet the Yandex requirements specified directly on the confirmation page.
    If the confirmation page contains the string "yamail-123456abcdef", then the CNAME Record Name will be "yamail-123456abcdef.yourdomain.tld.", with rare exceptions, there must be a dot at the end of the name. There are cases when it is enough to have the name "yamail-123456abcdef".
    The value of the CNAME record is "domain.mail.yandex.net." Given line is unchanged, instead of the inscription "domain" you do NOT need to substitute the name of your domain!
    Wait for the changes made to the DNS to take effect. This process can take up to 72 hours, but experience has shown that a few minutes is often enough.
  • Change of contact address at the registrar. This method is complex and has several limitations. Better not to use it.

Regardless of the method you choose, after the operation, open the confirmation page in Yandex-Mail for Domain and click the "Check Domain Ownership" button.

The process may take some time, but eventually you will move on to Step 2 Connecting a Domain - Setting Up MX Records.

MX records are DNS server mail records. By making an entry, you specify that all mail should be sent to Yandex. An MX record is made in exactly the same way as a CNAME. After making an entry, click the "Check MX records" button and you will see the inscription "Domain connected".

Now you can create new mailboxes in corporate mail Yandex and start working with them.

When logging into a new mailbox for a domain for the first time, Yandex will ask the user to enter information about themselves and ask a security question in case the user forgets their password.

Delegating a domain to Yandex servers

There is an easier way to switch to Yandex.Mail. This is the delegation of a domain to Yandex servers.

The advantage of this method is that the domain will be automatically confirmed, and all DNS records necessary for mail to work will be made. The disadvantage of this method is that if you previously configured DNS records, they will be lost and you will have to manually transfer them to a new DNS server. Additional difficulties also include the fact that you can delegate a domain to Yandex servers only after you have added it to Yandex.Mail for Domain.

To delegate a domain to Yandex servers, you need to log in to your domain's control panel on the registrar site, go to the delegation settings section, and change the values ​​of the primary and secondary DNS servers as follows:

The primary DNS server is "dns1.yandex.net.". Notice the dot at the end.

Secondary DNS server - "dns2.yandex.net.".

(If the control panel has fields for entering IP addresses, leave them blank.)

Recall that the changes made to can be updated up to 72 hours.

Check the status of your domain on the My domains page - its value should be "The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex".

By default, you can create up to 1000 mailboxes on Yandex.Mail for a domain. If you need more, you can contact technical support Yandex through " Feedback” and be able to create more boxes.

Of course, Yandex.Mail will be inferior in comparison with such giants as Cloud Exchange, the latter have more voluminous functionality. However, you need to keep in mind that Yandex.Mail is a free solution (we do not consider the cost of a domain, any organization with a website pays for the domain anyway). And the cost, for example, of Cloud Exchange starts from 250 rubles per month for one mailbox.

Taking into account all of the above (functionality, simplicity, convenience, cost), we can conclude that the corporate Yandex.Mail is an excellent solution for small, medium, and in some cases for large organizations.

If you still have questions, ask, we will figure it out and set everything up in the best possible way.

Today I want to help you create beautiful domain mail on your hosting, redirect it and delegate it to Yandex Mail.

What does this mean?

You will receive beautiful mail with a tail of your domain. And you can view it in the panel of the Yandex Mail mail service.

What is domain mail for?

3) A solid mailbox for business cards.

Advantages of domain mail delegated to Yandex Mail.

1) Less emails will end up in SPAM.

2) More trust from mail services.

3) Beautiful type mailbox [email protected]

4) Convenient interface for working with mail from Yandex Mail.

5) You can create up to 1000 mailboxes for yourself and your employees and friends.

6) All correspondence is stored on Yandex without taking up space on the hosting.

7) Unlimited mailbox volume.

8) Scan mail for viruses.

9) Convenient setting of your SPAM filters.

10) Many different themes for the interface.

11) Access to mail via POP3/IMAP protocols.

12) Access to mail with mobile applications and devices.

13) Convenient tools for working with letters in the web interface (downloading all attached files in one archive, listening to attached mp3 files, tags of popular social networks and much more).

14) Chat (instant messaging) on ​​the Mail pages.

The fact is that many hosting providers generally do not provide mailboxes based on a domain and you have to look for an external mail service. But even if your hoster has a mail service, then these mailboxes take up disk space from your tariff plan on hosting, which forces you to constantly delete read letters and not store correspondence, as there are restrictions on the number, volume and mail traffic.

If you still decide create domain mail right on your hosting, then get ready for the fact that you will meet absolutely not familiar and not user-friendly interface domain mail management. There may also be problems with setting up for different mail programs and a bunch of other nuances.

Today I will tell how to create domain mail on the Yandex Mail service and how to solve all the problems that arise with mail for the domain.

We connect domain mail on Yandex.

Many of you have a Yandex account and use Yandex mail. So you are familiar with simple and functional user interface this mail service. It would be nice if the mail interface on the domain was just as convenient. It was this question that Yandex programmers thought of when they created a mail service for the domain.

In addition to simplicity and convenience, mail for a domain from Yandex has a lot of advantages, which I talked about a little higher.

All that remains is connect Yandex mail for your domain. It will take from 10 to 30 minutes and depends on the specifics of your hosting and the speed of checking your settings by the Yandex robot. After all the settings, you will be able to enjoy all these delights in conjunction with your site.

A step-by-step plan for connecting the Yandex mail service and creating domain mail to the site:

Step #1. Register on Yandex if you are not registered, or log in with your existing username and password to your account.

Step #2. Go to the domain mail registration section.

Step #3. We confirm the domain that belongs to you, you must prove that you are its full owner. This can be done in several ways. Which one you choose is up to you, I recommend the first method.

There are 3 ways to check domain ownership of a site:

1) Placing a special txt (text) file in the root directory of your site.

2) Creation of a subdomain with a special name offered by Yandex with a Cname entry leading to mail.yandex.ru.

3) Change of contact address for the domain name.

The latter, in my opinion, immediately disappears due to the complexity of implementation in most cases. The first and second methods, in my opinion, are simple, they can be used. Next, I will show confirmation by uploading an html file with a special name to my hosting.

Watch my video tutorial on setting up domain mail on Yandex in order not to miss anything.
In the video tutorial, I told you how to set up mail for a domain in two hostings, this and .

If you have a different hosting, then you can view the manual for setting up domain mail with some popular hosters on Yandex at the link: http://help.yandex.ru/pdd/add-domain/hoster-settings.xml#hoster-settings

Below I will tell you how to set up domain mail using Timeweb hosting as an example. Log in using your username and password.

Go to the Quick Actions section and click on the item: “Upload files to the server”.

In the root folder of public_html of your site, select the "File" item, then click on "Create File" and create new file with a special name that Yandex offered us with the html extension.

Let's go now to home page connect domain mail on Yandex and click the check domain button.

Step number 4. Setting up an MX record on the hosting so that the hosting redirects all mail to your Yandex mail account.

We return to the Timeweb hosting control panel and go to the panel in the list of created domains. On hover against your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the second tab called MX mail servers and make the settings for MX 10 MX.YANDEX.RU as in the picture below and save the changes.

We return to the settings of the MX record on Yandex and click the "Check MX records" button and wait for the Yandex robot to check it.

Step number 5. After successfully checking MX records on your hosting, you will be able to create the number of domain mail boxes you need.

In the example below, I have created several mailboxes for my domain.

Now, you can enter the mailboxes you created using a special link offered by Yandex. The link looks like this https://mail.yandex.ru/for/your-domain or simply through the authorization form on the main page of Yandex mail.

When you enter your new mailbox, Yandex will ask you to fill in your personal data and redirect you to the Mail for Domain. Completion of registration. Here you just need to correctly fill in all your personal data and save them. After saving personal data, you will be able to use personal domain mail.

Step number 6. We make additional settings digital signature DKIM for your mailbox. This is necessary so that all sent letters reach 100%.

What is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)?

This is a method of verifying your mail with a special signature.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) technology integrates several existing methods anti-phishing and anti-spam to improve the quality of classification and identification of legitimate email. Instead of a traditional IP address, DKIM adds a digital signature associated with the organization's domain name to determine the sender of a message. The signature is automatically verified on the recipient's side, after which "white lists" and "black lists" are applied to determine the sender's reputation.

This is not a mandatory step, but without it, there is a chance that mail sent from your domain mailbox will end up in your recipient's SPAM box.

To set up a DKIM signature for your domain mail, we return to the main domain mail registration page on Yandex and go down the page and look for the following column: “To enable DKIM, you need to add a special TXT record to your domain DNS” and click on the link: “Show record content.

In the window that opens, copy your digital signature to the domain mail and go to our hosting settings.

In the hosting settings, go to the control panel, to the list of created domains. Opposite your domain, when you hover, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the third tab called "Advanced settings" and change the digital signature of the DKIM TXT record there to the one that was taken on Yandex. Be sure to click and save the changes made.

My congratulations! If you have gone through all the points that I described above, then you have a fully working domain mail.

It remains to wait a bit for the Yandex robot to check the digital signature settings for domain mail.

That's all for me, thanks for your attention, I'm waiting for your questions in the comments to the article. Sincerely yours Alexander Novikov.

To obtain full access to Yandex services, you need to create a special account. To do this, perform a number of simple steps:

Advice. Do not ignore the Yandex warning that your password is too simple. If you don't want to be a victim of hackers, create a password by combining lowercase and capital letters, numbers, punctuation marks. But avoid names various dates etc.

Setting up a new mailbox

After the registration of a new mailbox is successful, Yandex will prompt you to set it up. If you want to make using your new account easy and convenient, we advise you to follow five simple steps:

  • step one - labels. Usually the system immediately offers a pair standard options: "Work", "Friends", etc. You can change them, or add new ones in unlimited quantities. To do this, put a checkmark to the left of the line for the label, enter the invented name. It remains to choose the right color. The label is ready!
  • step two is an all-in-one drawer. The option is relevant if you have several mailboxes in the Yandex system. The essence of this mail is simple: it will allow you to combine all the information that comes to your email boxes in one place.
  • step three - setting up personal data. Here it will be possible to bring suitable look information about the sender (that is, about you): select the address (full / abbreviated), specify the name that the recipient will see in the "from" column, create an optimal signature for sent letters and add an avatar.

  • step four - the choice of mail design. At this stage, choose any topic you like and click next.
  • step five - binding to a phone number. If during registration you did not indicate your phone number, you can do it at this stage, or skip it if you do not want to indicate it.

Ready! You have successfully created and configured your brand new Yandex mailbox.

Special postal address

Very often, when registering on various forms, sites, you are required to indicate your mailbox. But you don’t want to spam your mail with a lot of unnecessary information, but at the same time see it. Then a simple and at the same time original solution comes to the rescue - a special box.

Creating it is as easy as shelling pears: add a “+” sign to your login and any word that identifies the site you are interested in. For example, your email address is: [email protected] Having done a simple operation with it, we get: [email protected] From now on, all information coming from this site will go to the spam folder on your real mail.

Additional email login

For any Yandex mail, you can create another login, additional. For this, active mobile number. It should be noted that the principle of operation of this option is as follows: one number - one account.

So, you need to enter the settings on your mailbox, select the item "personal data, signature, portrait" and click on the link "make a phone number as an address." Will open before you new tab with a suggestion to use the linked number (if it is one) as a login: turn on the option.

Now you can enter your number instead of the main login on any services that require you to specify a Yandex login (remove the “+” sign first). Letters sent to this type of address end up in your mailbox.

Advice. If your number gets to another user, then when linking an additional login, he will get access to your mail, so take care in this case to unlink the old number.

How to start an email on Yandex: video

E-mail is used for correspondence between addressees, and various kinds of files can be attached to the letter, be it photos, archives, audio or video clips, documents, etc.

The email address looks like this: [email protected] where: name - A unique name (login) in the mail service, site.ru - is the site (domain) where your mail is located and @ - is the email identifier. In Russia, this icon is called the Dog, a purely descriptive name, but it suits everyone, you can of course say that this is the letter “a” with a tail and everyone will understand you too.

First, let's talk about where you can register mail:

Famous and free services e-mail, are represented by such companies as Yandex.ru, Mail.ru, Gmail.ru, Rambler.ru

Let's analyze the possibilities of the listed mail services.

Yandex Mail - the volume of the box is 10 GB, as it is filled, 1 GB is added,

Create message templates, okay

Protected from spam (junk mail) and, importantly, all letters are checked by Dr.Web antivirus. Decent and reliable postal service. The ability to attach files up to 30MB, if the volume is larger, then the file is automatically uploaded to your Yandex Disk. In this case, a link to this file will appear in the letter.

(see photo)

Mail mail - the volume of the mailbox is unlimited, i.e. At first they give 10GB as they fill up, they add as needed. Also good spam protection and also
the antivirus is running. Here you can attach files up to 25Mb, and if the file is larger, then it is uploaded to [email protected]. The storage period for such files is 30 days. When registering, you can choose one mail server of the proposed options i.e. Your address might look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; unlike Yandex, all addresses are independent units, i.e. they are different email addresses.

Gmail.com - mail service from Google, themes for every taste, autoresponder, in the attachment of a letter, it is possible to send up to 25Mb, if more? They offer to use Google Drive, where 15GB of free space will be available for you. I would like to note that 15GB is the total amount of mail: Messages, files, photos, etc. on Gmail, your email address might look like this: [email protected];

Rambler mail - the volume of the mailbox is 2GB, you can attach a file up to 20MB to the letter. When registering, you can choose one email server from those offered. As a result, your address may look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]