Hello friends! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today's article we will begin to analyze such a large and profitable topic as partners. Will try in simple words explain what an affiliate program is (it is also called a referral program or affiliate marketing), why it is needed, how it works and why it can be a good additional income for beginners to work on the Internet.

Yes, there are many people who, like me, are engaged in the promotion of affiliate products on the Internet and earn from this 50,000 rubles a month. What is needed for this, you will also find out today.

What is a partner?

Affiliate program(abbr. affiliate program) is a way of cooperation between those who have some kind of product that needs to be sold and those who can sell (recommend) it, receiving a part of the profit from each sale.

A specific example, I think that everyone is already familiar with online stores where you can buy clothes, appliances, furniture, food and anything you want without leaving your home.

Take one of these popular stores - Aliexpress. He has a program that works through the E-Commerce CPA affiliate network, in which anyone can register.

You register, get a link to the product you have chosen from this store and talk about it, for example, on your VKontakte page, attaching your link. Your friends, leafing through the news, see the post, learn about such an interesting and useful product, follow the link, buy, and you are paid up to 10% of the cost of the product for this.

This money is credited to your account in your personal account, and then you withdraw it to your electronic wallets or bank card. Everything is simple! Anything can be a product for sale: training courses by various authors, paid services, private services, etc.

You can also simply agree with a friend who makes websites (or) that you will recommend him, bring him clients, and he will give you part of the profit for this. This is called affiliate marketing.

What is a referral program?

Many people confuse and do not understand the difference, but in many affiliate programs there is also a referral program or an affiliate program that is completely referral. In this case, you do not just bring a client, but bring a referral to the system.

Referral(or referral from English. referral) is an affiliate program participant who came on the recommendation of another participant.

Under some conditions of affiliate programs, you can receive a percentage not only from the referral itself, but also from the turnover of the clients brought by him. Through such a scheme, various HYIPs and MLM projects work, which, I am sure, many have already encountered. That's why specific example I will not present here.

In the next article, we will analyze what other types of affiliate programs exist, and what conditions for participation in them are.

We figured out the principle of operation, now let's look at how it works from the technical side.

Affiliate links and how do they work?

After registering in the affiliate program, you will have access to Personal Area partner. In this account, you are provided with special links with your ID, as well as promotional materials, statistics, etc.

  1. http://justclick.ru/?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source= vasiliyblinov
  2. http://www.workzilla.com/ ?ref=288474
  3. http://epngo.bz/epn_index/ c313e

I highlighted in bold the very identifier that helps the system understand which partner the client came from.

After the user clicks on such a link, data is stored in his browser (on his device) and in the partner system to track the transition. Depending on the conditions of the affiliate program, this data can be stored from several hours to several years.

For example, a person clicked on your link, looked at the information, but did not buy immediately or received some free material, and closed the page. Then a day or a week later, he remembered and returned to buy the product. I already went through a direct link to the site, but your identifier was saved in its device, and when buying, in this case, you were charged a commission.

If he suddenly changes the device, the system will not be able to track that the client came from you, and you will not receive a commission.

For this reason, in some systems, a participant can be assigned to you more securely by leaving his e-mail address. In this case, if during the purchase he changes the device in which the link data is saved, but uses his mail, the system will determine it, and the sale will be counted for you.

Everything seems to be clear? Ask in the comments to the article if something is unclear.

Advantages of affiliate programs and why are they needed?

You probably already guess what a revolutionary step this is in the field of marketing and what advantages of creating and promoting affiliate programs are open to us.

For people who sell their product, it is an opportunity to get huge amount traffic without investing in advertising. You pay partners only for real sales. You will be recommended by clients and traffic specialists. They will completely take care of all the troubles with advertising.

For people who don't have their own product, this is an opportunity to start making money on the Internet without investment. There are dozens of free and paid methods promote affiliate products and services online.

Especially for all beginners, I recently launched, in which I share my experience of how I got passive income from affiliate programs of more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Come, it will be interesting, you will find yourself in our chat of like-minded people, in which we constantly discuss everything related to affiliate programs.

What kind of income can you have?

I must say right away that partnerships are not quick view earnings, unless you invest in paid traffic. I, like most, initially followed the free path, I did not have the funds to invest in advertising, and at that time I did not know how to buy it.

Even if I had money, I would have stupidly merged it out of inexperience and abandoned this idea. Beginning with simple steps and the first small results, I began to have confidence in the chosen direction.

I still remember how happy I was for the first sale after 2 months of work and training. Then everything began to grow like a snowball, creating daily channels from which traffic came.

I have a section on my blog in which I share and tell what has been done, you can go read it if you are interested.

So, devoting several hours a day, after six months I began to earn in addition to the main type of activity on remote work 10 - 15 thousand rubles, in a year 25 - 40 and now more than 150,000 rubles. As you can see, there is no ceiling here.

Here are some screenshots from personal accounts.

Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. In this article, we will try to systematize the information received earlier and most fully consider the list of affiliate programs. Below is a list the best affiliate programs, which differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

We hope that thanks to the review, you will be able to find a good option for work that you will like. Before announcing the list, we recall the key information on this topic. Affiliate programs for earnings, there are 4 areas of activity:

  • Link fee(this method is also called earnings on clicks) - created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
  • Getting a percentage of the sale. The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars for one transaction. The essence of the activity is that you receive a percentage of the purchase made through your affiliate link.
  • Pay per impression. The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without prior investment. Payment here is also small, because. there is no risk of losing equity. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article "".
  • Earnings for completing tasks. The bottom line is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner's website: register, fill out a questionnaire, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.

List of affiliate programs in 2019

1popov.ru- Sales of training courses. The project assumes the presence of both paid and free courses. What's important: For the sale of free courses, you also receive a cash reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, cooperation with this project can become quite profitable, because. he gives away 30% of the amount of each course you sell. When sales increase, your commission rate can increase up to 45%. Thus, in the best scenario, for one of the most expensive course sold, you can get 4,500 rubles.

Specializes in website promotion using crowd links. (Crowd-links are one of the methods of conducting a hidden advertising campaign, where something is advertised unobtrusively and as if in between times). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

BetAdvert– it is necessary to attract people who are interested in sports and ready to place bets. For each prediction made by a client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a rate of 5%. There is no minimum amount for withdrawing funds here, money comes on the first request.

7StarsPartners– the essence of the work is to attract a high-quality target audience. There are several categories on the site that require traffic, among them: gaming audience, adult audience, entertainment audience, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

Moedelo– accrues remuneration for registering customers in the service. However, it is not just low-quality traffic that is needed here. The service will be convenient for businessmen who keep their accounts online. For attracting (registration on the resource) one client, a reward in the amount of 300 rubles is given. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4500 r, which can be considered good money.

1day1step.ru is a resource that specializes in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract customers who want to use these services for a fee. The reward for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: home schooling and further specialized employment are implied.

AliExpress- one of the most famous trading floors with many partnerships. For the sale of any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward of 8.5% of the value of the proposed product. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service because of the impressive results with the right approach.

Etxt.ru- a resource where you can order high-quality articles and any text copyright materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can earn on affiliate links. You get 25% of the amount of the order of the referral-copywriter you brought.

Partner.apishops- a high-quality trading affiliate program that is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. Here you get a percentage of the sale of goods. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to earn on partnerships. The project helps to get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not to lose too much money.

sotmarket- an online store that sells electronic equipment. For 12 years of work has established itself with positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. It also offers favorable partnership conditions.

Cpaseti- here it is necessary to attract only affiliate traffic. That is, people who are interested in affiliate programs and earning income with their help. Referral rewards are 5%.

LetyShops- on the this moment is the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can return part of the amount from the purchase made at. LetyShops is connected to more than a thousand of the most famous online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

To get your profit, you must give a link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client's cashback.

In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profiting from cashback.

EPN- the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From the purchase of goods through your affiliate link, you receive 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase instantly, the money will still be credited to you.

BinPartner– specializes in binary options earnings. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so it is highly likely that attracted users will stay on this resource.

Your earnings will come from the unsuccessful transactions of your clients. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if the attracted visitor bets $100 and loses, your reward will be $40.

Admitad- one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the maximum profitable terms. The service has more than a thousand affiliate programs. Service is different user-friendly interface, transparency and availability of quality and necessary information for work.


The provided list of affiliate programs opens up an opportunity for you to objectively look at the existing competition in this field of activity. Don't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to view in more detail all the possibilities of the services provided above.

Hello dear readers, today we will talk about what affiliate programs exist for making money without a website. This topic is quite extensive, since there are a lot of such affiliate programs. But first, let's try to figure out how you can earn on affiliate programs?

There are affiliate programs on a very large number of large sites. They play a very significant role in the life of these sites, allowing them to make sales, increase traffic, and later turn them into customers. That is, affiliate programs are a kind of assistants for large sites that not only help other users earn money, but also raise the popularity of the resource itself.

You probably already guessed that affiliate programs are also possible to bring your earnings on the Internet to the machine. And this means that you will have to “tighten up” for a couple of weeks, and then the money will come to you without your participation. Perhaps this is the biggest plus of affiliate programs.

Now let's take a closer look at what affiliate programs themselves are. This term itself sounds somehow bewitching and it seems that it is something complex and incomprehensible. But in fact, affiliate programs, for the most part, are systems based on links. Let's move on to a small example.

Suppose you register with an online store that has an affiliate program. After you have managed to register, you go to the appropriate section, which will describe the possibilities of earning money with these sites, conditions, rules and much more. But the most important thing is that after registration you will be able to generate unique product links that will be linked to your account statistics.

You can then place these links wherever and however you like. The main thing is that people follow them and make purchases of goods. Then, for a successful transaction, you will receive a percentage of the transaction amount. Usually it is 5-30%.
Tempting, isn't it? Some sites allow you to get not only links, but also banners, html codes (which you can already place on your personal site) and much more.

Let's summarize: earning on affiliate programs is an opportunity to customize, with the help of competent placement of affiliate links.

What are these affiliate programs for making money without a website?

A website, when making money on affiliate programs, is just one of the tools that you can use to increase the visibility of links from affiliate programs. Although with the help of your own website you can significantly increase the amount of earnings, it is still not the only option.

All affiliate programs for earnings do not require you to have a website. Affiliate does not care where you place links and where traffic will come to their resource. The most important rule is to place links where your the target audience. And to find such places, you will need to think a little, analyze and collect data.

You should also take into account that the process of choosing sites for placing links from affiliate programs is one of the most important. In order not to make mistakes and not to do a large amount of work, and it will turn out to be in vain, you will need, as mentioned above, to find places for target users to discuss certain goods and services. These may be groups in social networks; discussion threads on forums; or ; under articles, videos or photos, etc.

List of the most popular affiliate programs for making money without a website

partner.apishops.com is a very good product affiliate program, where a large number of products are available for sale, divided into categories for ease of use. Very often this affiliate program is advised for beginners to try out this species earnings and "fill the bumps." sotmarket.ru - an online electronics store with enough low prices and an attractive partner program. The site has been operating since 2005 to this day, which allowed the owners to gain good credibility. Therefore, you should not worry that people, following your links, will be afraid to buy electronics.

Aliexpress - and, of course, how could it be without this giant trading platform and a leader in its industry. There is a separate article on our website in which you can find out detailed information about making money on Aliexpress, which you can read.

In general, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information and not engage in mediocre transfer, I suggest that you visit partnerskie-programmi.ru, which has a huge list of affiliate programs for making money. But the most important thing is that the list is constantly updated, and in addition it is structured by subject. So come, look, choose and try.

Why making money on affiliate programs without a website is beneficial for you?

Those users who have vast experience in website promotion can make money on affiliate programs with the help of websites. If you are new to this segment, then it’s better to start getting money from placing affiliate links on free sites, and only then, when the earnings turn into a passive process, move on to creating your own online resource.

Here are some problems that you will face when making money on affiliate programs through a personal website:

  • The theme of your site should correspond to the theme of the affiliate program. If you work with several affiliate programs of different topics, then you will have to create a separate site for each of them;
  • To create a website, investments are required, at least minimal for a domain and hosting;
  • It is not enough just to create a website - it must also be visited, and this requires knowledge of SEO. By the way, in most cases, website promotion also requires investments;
  • In addition, your site needs to be filled with content, and this, most likely, you will again need investments to buy articles on stock exchanges or order texts from copywriters.

This list can be continued for a very, very long time. But, I think that these disadvantages will be enough to convince beginners to start making money on affiliate programs without a website.

Today, earnings on affiliate programs are our main source of income. You can make money on affiliate programs even without your own website, you just need to know how to do it right

Greetings, dear friends! In touch Alexander Berezhnov - one of the founders of the HiterBober.ru business magazine

Now many people are looking for ways and tools to make money on the Internet without investments and special knowledge.

In the article, I told how we make money on affiliate programs and how you can do it with and without your site.

You will also learn what affiliate programs are, how much you can earn on them, and what is the best way for a beginner to start.

1. What are affiliate programs and how they make money

affiliate program- this is a type of commercial interaction between the manufacturer (owner) of a product or service and its partner (seller).

The essence of earning on affiliate programs is that you get a percentage of the sales of goods and services if buyers came to them through your recommendation (affiliate link).

How is the earning process

You find a contractor (an online store, an author of a training course, a service or a person) who sells goods or services and help him sell his product for a percentage.

Consider this scheme on a real-life example.

You have a friend Vasya who makes websites, you need a website and you turned to him.

Vasya did his job perfectly and you were satisfied with the result.

Now, if your friends need a website, you will naturally recommend Vasya to them.

There are a lot of such examples.

I am sure that over the past month you have somehow recommended something to your friends just like that (as they say, out of the kindness of your soul).

Thus, you have become a freelance sales manager in a variety of firms without sacrificing your personal time.

Now that's interesting, isn't it?

Let's just look at the numbers now, and you will immediately understand that earning on affiliate programs is a great opportunity to earn additional income or even make it your main one.

Suppose that some time ago you or someone you know made repairs to the house, using the services of a team of finishers.

You liked their quality, timing and price.

Just agree with these craftsmen that you will recommend them to anyone who needs to renovate an apartment or house, and they will pay you 10% of the volume of work performed as a reward for the recommendation.

Considering that the cost of an average repair in an apartment costs people several hundred thousand rubles, and even by “selling” one repair per month, you can earn from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles on the “repairers” affiliate program alone.

And if you have recently installed built-in furniture - a closet, a kitchen, and so on ...

In general, you understand the principle.

And now let's look at how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet

Everything here is exactly the same as in real life.

And for starters, on the network you need to find someone with whom you will "partner".

Online stores (for example, Ozon.ru), hosting, information businessmen (people who sell information on the Internet in the form of training courses), various automated services(eg service mailing list smartresponder.ru or service of product affiliate programs apishops.ru)

This is where newbies have a question.

How does your contractor (the one who provides you with the affiliate program) know that the customer who made the purchase came from you (via your link)?

This is not difficult, since the computer, when you use the Internet, all the latest data is recorded in special files"cookies" (cookies).

This is how the computer remembers the entire route of the buyer of a product or service who came on your recommendation.

If the person who came through your affiliate link buys something from your contractor, then you receive the percentage specified in the affiliate program in the form of a commission for such a recommendation.

It is curious that the amount of commissions under the affiliate program can reach up to 100% ! That is, the contractor gives you all the money received, for example, in exchange for a contact with a potential client.

This is especially common in the information business, where information product has no cost. That is why, here, commissions for affiliate programs often reach 70% , 80% , 90% and more.

Usually the remuneration of partners varies from 10% before 70% depending on the type of product or service, as well as the price of it.

Unlike information goods, where your commission is often higher 50% , in product affiliate programs this value usually does not exceed 30-40% .

One of the powerful services that gives you the opportunity to earn on product affiliate programs is apishops (apishops.ru).

Here you will find a bunch of different products (mostly exclusive) that you can sell by simply creating an advertising campaign, and all other actions - the purchase of goods and promotional materials for it, communication with customers and delivery will be taken over by the service.

For the sake of experiment, I sold Chinese watches here, in principle, I managed to make good money. Try it if you're interested.

There are also so-called CPA affiliate programs.

They charge you for actions, for example, for a confirmed user application for a loan or registration in an online game.

CPA affiliate programs are now gaining popularity. This is especially true for banking products, such as loans.

Surely you have heard about such a well-known bank as Tinkov.

He also has his own CPA affiliate program « Tinokoff».

Here are her conditions for rewarding partners:

  • Application fee for credit card– 155 rubles
  • Payment for an activated credit card - 160 rubles
  • Payment for an application for a contribution - 952.52 rubles

2. How much can you earn on affiliate programs

This question worries many people, especially those who are just starting to look for ways to make money on the Internet.

Let's answer it right away. Personally, our result with Vitaly: more than 50 000 rubles per month.

Here is a screenshot of an example of earnings per month:

In short, everyone earns differently.

For some, earnings on affiliate programs are barely enough for ice cream, and someone is rowing loot with a shovel, raising hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

So we have quite an average result.

By the way, if you want to know more about that, read our article.

Let me now tell you what income depends on or what needs to be done in order to earn in this way not only for bread, but also for butter and caviar.

So, the factors influencing the amount of income from affiliate programs:

Factor 1 Quality (interestingness) of the offer

The product or service that you have become a partner of must be in demand and interesting to consumers. They must have an adequate price, quality and characteristics that will withstand competition in the market compared to similar products.

For example, if you sell an iPhone through the affiliate program of the N online store, and at the same time its price is higher compared to other online stores, then the chance of buying it will be less, respectively, and your potential earnings will be small.

Factor 2. Number of offers

Factor 3. Quantity and quality of traffic coming to the offer

Suppose every 100th visitor who clicks on your link will order a product or service.

Then it turns out that you need to attract at least 100 people for one click on the link.

Read more about where to get potential buyers and how to advertise your affiliate link in the next section of the article.

Factor 4. Relevance (correspondence) of the offer to its location

These can be specialized forums, articles on your blog on a topic, groups on social networks with a target audience.

Factor 5. Commission size

Pay attention to the amount of commissions for your affiliate program. The higher they are in percentage terms and in net monetary terms, the better.

In trade, this is called the average bill, that is, it is the average income per customer.

At the same time, do not forget about all the other factors, because if they are not observed, then it will not come to your receipt of a commission at all.

3. Earnings on affiliate programs - step-by-step instructions for beginners on the example of the Glopart.ru service

Attention, all the technology described below is not "sucked out of my finger"! It really works and I'll tell you why later.

You will find out what steps you need to take and what I did to earn good money on affiliate programs (more than 50,000 rubles per month).

Such income on affiliate programs is now brought by the HiterBober.ru website, on which you are reading this article.

All money from affiliate sales comes to me through the instant payment service Glopart.ru. On the example of this service, we will consider step by step technology earning on affiliate programs for beginners.

Step 1. Find an affiliate program

You can find her different ways, but in the article we will consider the entire step-by-step algorithm from finding an affiliate program to withdrawing earned money from Glopart.

To get started, go to the site Glopart.ru and register.

The registration procedure is intuitive and should not raise any questions.

Now read the description of the product, choose the one you like the most.

At the same time, we pay attention to the cost of the goods and the amount of commission deductions.

In order to make sure that the offer (product) that you want to advertise is adequate, go to the selling website of the product and carefully study it.

To assess the adequacy (quality) of the proposal, be guided by the following criterion - would you buy this product yourself? Yes/No and why?

Only after that make the final decision whether you will promote it.

To add this product to your affiliate list, click the "become an affiliate" button:

After clicking on this button, you will see a window in which you will see your affiliate links.

Step 2. Get an affiliate link

You can choose any of the two links:

  1. Link to the product page (selling page);
  2. Link to the payment page.

Step 3. Promote the link

So, you have chosen an interesting product, received a link, and it's time to advertise (promote) it so that sales go through it and you start making money.

  • on thematic forums;
  • on your own or someone else's website/blog (in an article);
  • in groups and publics VKontakte and Odnoklassniki;
  • using contextual and tezier advertising, set up through your affiliate link to the course author's website;
  • by creating a separate website (landing page) and advertising this course there, driving traffic through advertising to it.

Eyeliner- this is a piece of text that precedes an affiliate link and motivates a person to follow it. The eyeliner should be short, contain intrigue and benefit for the user.

This will increase the number of clicks on your affiliate link.

Step 4. Making a profit

If a potential client, purchased the goods through your link, you are charged a commission, the amount of which was indicated as "affiliate deductions".

Later certain period, for example, a week, you will see how many products and which ones you have sold.

So you can focus on them and further increase your income by selling more profitable products and getting rid of unprofitable ones.

Step 5. Withdraw earned money

In the Glopart service, the money you earn can be withdrawn both manually and automatically.

In the second case, the funds will be transferred to your webmoney wallet, and then you can dispose of the earned money at your discretion.

For example, pay for goods or services via the Internet, withdraw your money to a bank card (for example, to a Sberbank card) and cash it out at an ATM. This is how we do it.

4. Pros and cons of earning on affiliate programs

Dear reader, so that you have a complete picture of making money on affiliate programs, I decided to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method of making money on the Internet.

pros "+" earnings on affiliate programs

  1. Availability. Almost anyone with average computer skills can earn in this way and get the first money in the very near future (sometimes after a few minutes of advertising an affiliate link);
  2. High income. Compared to other ways of earning, affiliate programs provide an opportunity to get really good profit in the first month (from $100 to $1000 or more);
  3. The ability to start without investment (from scratch). Since you can advertise an affiliate link on forums, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, it will not cost you anything other than your personal time. This is your personal business, which you can really open completely without investments and start earning decent amounts from scratch.

In general, I wrote about how to open a business from scratch in.

Minuses "-" earnings on affiliate programs

  1. income instability. In some month, with the same efforts, you can earn $500, and in some affiliate programs they won’t even bring $100. It depends on the seasonality of the topic of the proposed product and its relevance to this moment time.
  2. Risk of loss of time and money (in the case of paid link advertising). You do things to make money. But the truth is that they may not bring the desired result.

If you lose time and gain experience - it's not scary. Although, it will be frustrating if you invest a solid budget in advertising your affiliate links and they don't work.

To minimize financial risks, I once again advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing an affiliate program (the first paragraph of the article), which I called factors that affect the amount of income from affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are like naked women behind glass:
in order to "sell" them, you must constantly remember that
that they are behind glass, and forget that they are naked women.
Alexey Vostrov

3 are presented here with a reliable reputation on the Internet. And only those affiliate programs with which I myself worked. And not just work, but money with their help.

Therefore, you will not find a huge and comprehensive list of affiliate programs here. Because even to “feel” a little each affiliate program takes a certain amount of time. Not to mention the fact that to understand the nuances of working with it.

In all services of affiliate programs, I divided them into groups according to the type of activity. Choose the right one and get to work. Yes, and, of course, you can ask questions (if any) about each of the affiliate programs below, but do not forget that all of them have a help system, support service and forums.

Affiliate programs by category:

Affiliate program aggregators

Affiliate program aggregators are services in which affiliate programs of various resources are collected: from to . In other words, these are places where advertisers and webmasters meet, which is very convenient, as it saves time and money for both. In addition, affiliate program aggregators provide statistics and accounting services, which eliminates deception and misunderstanding.

  • SalesDoubler

    SalesDoubler is one of my favorite affiliate program aggregators. And although the majority of affiliate programs (offers) in SalesDoubler are focused on Ukraine, there are enough affiliate programs that are tailored for all the CIS.

    At a minimum, all the hits of the arbitration market and affiliate programs in SalesDoubler work for the entire CIS. And the presence of unique offers, which are no longer in any other aggregator, make this service a fairy tale.

    With real money.

  • Admitad

    Admitad is one of best aggregators affiliate programs in Runet today. A lot of advertisers, a huge number of webmasters, convenient tools and high-quality advertising materials - what else do you need for comfortable and successful work? That's right - register with Admitad.

  • Mixmarket

    Mixmarket is another affiliate program aggregator. In Mixmarket there are both product affiliate programs and affiliate programs of various services. Plus, Mixmarket is a partner of Yandex.Direct - in general, there are plenty to choose from.

  • Where is the Elephant?

    "Where is the Elephant?" - one of the largest aggregators of affiliate programs. The name for the service, of course, was chosen strange, but I assure you that this aggregator is nowhere more serious. All the largest advertisers of Runet are in "Where is the Elephant?". And it's not just like that, because all the largest suppliers of visitors are also here. At the same time, the presence of a layer between advertisers and suppliers of visitors excludes deception from both the former and the latter.

  • CityAds Cityads blown away

    CityAds is a service that has affiliate programs for online games, banks, online stores, etc. The list of affiliate programs in CityAds is quite impressive. There are plenty to choose from.

Ukrainian affiliate programs

It Ukrainian affiliate programs. That is, services that are “tailored” to work in Ukraine: with Ukrainian users, for sales in Ukraine, etc. They take into account the nuances and specifics of this segment of the Internet and therefore are more effective for it than "general profile" affiliate programs.

SEO affiliate programs

These are affiliate programs of various seo services (services that are somehow related to website promotion). Since a significant part of my resource is just about creating and promoting sites, the income in the referral programs of these services is quite significant for me. If you have sites on approximately the same topics, then these affiliate programs are just right for you.

Promoter is an automated promotion system low frequency queries in the regions (all except Moscow and St. Petersburg). They give 10% of the amount that your referrals spend.

Working with texts

It article exchange affiliate programs and services where you can buy or sell your texts. Text content- a very popular thing on the Internet. Therefore, article and content exchanges are very profitable places in terms of attracting referrals.

Online shopping

And Internet commerce in Runet is at the very beginning of its rise. Further it will only be more. At the same time, you need to understand that the largest online stores do not have their own affiliate programs. They work through . Therefore, if you decide to make money on affiliate programs of online stores, then you need to register there.

The same affiliate programs of online stores that are collected in this section work both through aggregators and with the help of their own affiliate programs. They are few, but they exist.

Flowers order

These are affiliate programs of online flower shops. You send people to them, they order flowers there, you get your percentage.

Various services

This is referral programs useful services: site exchanges, site management, site setup, etc. Good affiliate programs.

Dating service partners

Three here are referral programs of dating sites. Undoubtedly, better days online dating behind, but . Here are some affiliates to help you.

Online Games

This is a list of affiliate programs for online games. Casual and browser games are very popular on the Internet. Therefore, with the help of gaming affiliate programs, you can make good money.

  • SalesDoubler

    SalesDoubler is a collection of gaming affiliate programs. I like him more than anyone else. SalesDoubler, however, is "imprisoned" for Ukraine, but some of its affiliate programs accept traffic from all over the CIS.

    Sales have all the hits in the online gaming industry. Plus a bunch of unused offers. And new games are constantly being added.

    In short, for making money on gaming affiliate programs, Salesdoubler is a definite must-have.

  • Mixmarket

    Mixmarket is a service aggregator of affiliate programs. There are dozens of online games in the Mixmarket catalog. Game affiliate programs in this network are “staffed” as they should: advertising materials, statistics, transparent accounting. I recommend.

  • Admitad

    Admitad is an affiliate program aggregator. All popular online games add their affiliate programs here. There are about a hundred affiliate programs in the games section now. So there are plenty to choose from.

  • Alawar

    The best times of Alawar are behind us. Now this affiliate program is in the stage of quiet extinction. But you can try what is already there.

    Alawar is a company that produces games itself. A lot of games. Her affiliate program includes a bunch of ways and opportunities for cooperation: from regular links to creating your own gaming site based on Alawar's affiliate program.

  • GameBoss GameBoss affiliate is closed

    GameBoss is one of the oldest affiliate programs of a whole list of online games. GameBoss has been in business for many years and has a good reputation. A bunch of promotional materials and a high-quality statistics system make this game affiliate program one of the best in its segment.

Online casino

Both offline and online casinos are prohibited in Russia. This should be kept in mind when working with casino affiliate programs. Otherwise, online casinos still give a crazy percentage of profits.

And because of the constant blocking of sites and casinos by Roskomnadzor, and their affiliate programs I recommend making money at the casino through. There, as quickly as possible, new links to working sites are indicated and all the latest news is posted.

Information products

These are affiliate programs of information products. About my attitude to information products. There are no fewer people who want to buy them, and you can make good money on information products.


These are affiliate services for online booking of air tickets. A lot of people buy tickets online. So the affiliate programs of these services are a very good source of income.

Abstracts, diplomas, term papers

These are referral programs of services for writing essays, term papers and theses, solving problems, home and independent. You attract customers, you get paid a commission for their orders. Everything is simple.

Email services

These are affiliate programs of services that provide an opportunity. You add your database of addresses to them Email and send your letters to them. A much needed item on the internet.

Hosting and domains

List hosting partner programs and domain registrars. with the Internet is needed by many. Therefore, affiliate programs of these services bring a solid income.

  • Reg.ru

    Reg.ru is one of the largest domain registrars in Runet. It is also a popular hosting. The affiliate program from Reg.ru is quite well thought out. Conditions are more than attractive. I have been working with this affiliate program for a long time and I am pleased with the results of cooperation.

  • jino

    I have been working with a partner from Gino hosting for a very long time. There everything is without tediousness, simple and tasteful.

  • Eskhosting

    In the hosting affiliate program Eskhosting you can earn 20% from each referral. Those are pretty good conditions.