
A hard drive in a computer and the drive icon in My Computer are two different things. For example, a computer may have one hard drive installed, while My Computer may have several. The reason for such a strange discrepancy is that the hard disk can be divided into so-called partitions. This is called logical disk partitioning.

I will talk about why such markup is needed, how to do it correctly (and whether it should be done at all), and also talk about free programs for such a delicate procedure.

Why you need to partition your hard drive

There are several reasons for dividing a hard drive into partitions:

  1. Partitions on a hard drive are primarily needed for proper storage of information. For example, some users prefer the following division: operating system and programs on the same disk (usually C), documents - on the second ( D), photo archive on the third ( E) and so on. In this case, the hard drive may well be one.
  2. If you have one hard drive, but want to have two or more operating systems, you will have to divide the hard drive into partitions, since Windows and other operating systems can only be installed on different partitions or hard drives.
  3. Notebook manufacturers (and some well-known computer manufacturers such as Acer) have their own reason for partitioning hard drive: on a partition that is visible as a drive c, Windows installed, second ( D) is completely empty, and the third one (which is not visible in the My Computer window at all) stores a compressed copy of the partition C. This hidden partition of the hard drive is called recovery partition. If something happened to the operating system (“Windows crashed” - as some users like to say), then when you turn on the laptop, just press the key combination (which one - see the instructions for the laptop) and a special program will clean the disk C, then unpacks the contents of the hidden section there. As a result, the user will receive a laptop with the programs that were originally on it at the time of purchase in the store. Disk D it will not be changed. The conclusion suggests itself: if on a laptop with such a recovery system all documents are stored not on C drive, a only on D, it will be possible at any time to restore damaged Windows with a new one, while not losing important data for yourself. By the way, any advanced user can make such a recovery system for himself, but I will talk about it some other time.
  4. Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, when installed on a blank, "unpartitioned" hard drive, create a hidden partition of 100-350 megabytes in size. This small section stores the bootloader, which, oddly enough, is designed to boot Windows. This partition will not exist or its contents will be damaged - and the computer will not start the operating system, displaying the inscription on the black screen "Boot fail", "Cannot find boot device", "Boot error" or similar, the meaning of which is the same - no boot disk was found with operating system. In fact, the bootloader can be stored on disk C:, and/or in hidden hard disk (outside partitions), but the developers decided to use a separate hidden partition in Windows 7/8 in order to somehow protect the bootloader from damage by other programs, viruses or the user.
  5. There are other reasons hard separation disk into partitions. For example, for the correct operation of GNU / Linux operating systems, several partitions should be created, but this is a topic for a separate article, we will not consider them here.

So, The main reasons for dividing a hard drive into partitions are: for the convenience of storing information, for installing several operating systems, for the operation of the recovery system, for storage Windows bootloader 7/8.

A bit of theory: file systems, partition types

Information about partitions (i.e. logical drives) is stored in a "partition table". Each logical drive can have its own file system. You can read more about all this in the Wikipedia articles: Disk partition, Logical disk, File system. It is enough for a novice user to know the bare minimum:

  1. If you divide the hard disk into logical disks (partitions), disk capacity will not increase- there is simply nowhere to take a free place! You can make partitions of any size, but in total they cannot be larger than the size of a real hard drive. Here is less - please. Then you will get unallocated free space, not visible in My Computer, from which you can get one or more new partitions. This is a question I often get from newbies, so I put it in the first place.
  2. Exist primary (basic) and extended (optional) sections. One hard drive cannot have more than four main partitions (for some reason, follow the links above), so we came up with an extended partition - this is a primary partition that can include as many partitions as you like. As a result, thanks to the extended partition, the hard disk can have as many partitions as you like - tens, hundreds.
  3. Each partition can have its own file system. AT this moment for installation Windows Vista, 7 and 8 can only use NTFS, and the outdated Windows XP can be installed on disks with the FAT32 file system. However, I do not recommend doing this, as it imposes too many restrictions. Make all partitions in NTFS - everything will work as it should.
  4. Any hard disk must be partitioned one way or another. To one or more logical drives - it's up to you. When buying a hard drive, it is usually already marked into one partition - the manufacturer decided so. If you are satisfied with this way of organizing information - do not touch.
  5. It is very undesirable to partition a disk in laptops - most of them have hidden recovery partitions that can be damaged (see point 3 of the previous chapter).
  6. If you bought a hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes, and in "My Computer" - "only" 1.86 terabytes (1860 gigabytes), then do not rush to run back to the store. It's all about how manufacturers and Windows consider volume. Read more about this in the Wikipedia article Hard drive. The larger the size of the hard drive, the more clearly it can be seen that there are fewer real gigabytes.
  7. Sections can delete, create, move(change their physical position on the disk), resize, format, convert file systems on partitions from one to another. Moreover, many programs are able to do this while saving all the data. There are other operations, but novice users most often need the above.
  8. In the event of an error during the process of changing partitions (see point 7), information is almost always lost. Yes, it can be restored (or part of it) with special programs with the participation of specialists, but it is best to save the entire important information to other disks (not logical, but real disks) or flash drives, so as not to pay money for data recovery.

Windows Disk Management snap-in

Windows has standard remedy partition changes - " Disk Management". Depending on the Windows versions, the capabilities of this program change a little, but in general over the past years (if we talk about Windows Vista, 7, 8) there have been no major changes. Windows XP looks more modest in this regard - apart from formatting and changing the drive letter, there is little you can do there.

As an example, I will take " Disk Management» Windows 7. There are several ways to open this program:

  1. The simplest - click right click line by line A computer on the menu Start- choose an item Control- select in a new window Disk Management.
  2. We open Control Panel - Administration - Computer management - Disk Management.
  3. Click Start - Run(or keyboard shortcut Win + R) - enter in the window that opens diskmgmt.msc- press OK.

Disk Management looks like that:

Here you can see both physical disks (including DVD drives, flash drives and other storage devices) and logical ones, i.e. virtual - hidden Windows 7 bootloader partition, disks C and D. Your computer may have a different number of disks.

Basic actions are available by right-clicking on desired section:

The list of actions is rather sparse:

  • Items Open, Conductor allow you to see the contents of disks
  • Make section active- indicate on which disk (partition) the bootloader is located. In Windows 7 and 8, this is a system reserved partition. You cannot make another partition active - the operating system will stop loading.
  • Change Drive Letter or Drive Path- you can change the drive letter displayed in the "Computer" window or display it as a folder. Yes, partitions can be displayed not only as disks, but also as folders on a disk.
  • Format- you can read about it in the article Formatting Wikipedia. The item opens a window with which you can start high-level formatting.
  • Extend Volume- if there is a place on the hard disk that is not marked as a partition, then you can expand the size of the partition using this free space.
  • Shrink Volume- this item allows you to reduce the partition size. The result will be the formation of unallocated space, which can be put into action - to expand the volume of another section (see the previous paragraph).
  • Delete volume- delete section. Do not click on an item without thoroughly considering the consequences. If you delete a partition, then the information on it will be possible to save only with the help of special programs, and even then not always.
  • Properties- a properties window will open with information about the selected disk (partition).

Of course, this is not a complete list of possibilities. Disk Management. One can create dynamic disks, for example. However, novice users do not need this, this article is designed just for them.

So, to create, delete, resize partitions through Disk Management, you only need three menu items: Extend Volume, Shrink Volume, Delete Volume.

All operations take place in real time, i.e. after pressing the desired item and an affirmative answer to the question - do we want to do this - the actual action takes place.

Do not forget that there is a risk of failure, due to which we can lose one partition or all. This applies primarily to computers with a large number of unnecessary programs- each of them may be the culprit of deleting all data. Moreover, the scenario when you need to change the partition from which Windows is started (usually this is a disk C), is the worst - most often, users have problems when they try to change the system partition.

To minimize the risk of failure, there are three methods:

  1. Insert a hard drive into another computer and change partitions from it by running Disk Management or any other program for changing partitions. Due to the fact that Windows will be launched from a different disk, no programs will climb onto foreign disk, interfering with responsible operation.
  2. Boot from a Live CD disk - the operating system and programs will be launched not from a hard disk, but from a CD or DVD, flash drive - again, nothing will interfere with changing partitions.
  3. Use a program that can work in Native mode to change sections. For example, check disk C always works in this mode - a black window with white text until the Desktop loads. In this mode, a minimum of programs is launched, the risk of failure is minimal.

The third option is the easiest, because the user does not actually need to do anything - just restart the computer and wait a few minutes. The following two review programs can do this.

A free hard disk partitioning program for home use.

By clicking on a section (it doesn't matter - in the list above, in the picture below), you can see a menu (both pop-up and on the left panel) with all the required actions:

Resize/Move partition- resize the partition and/or move its physical position on the disk. By the way, the official website says that the EaseUS Partition Master Home version (free) does not support changing partitions. It's not - everything works great.

copy partition- copy the partition to another disk with all the information on it.

Merge partitions- merging two or more sections. It is convenient if you need to save information on the hard drive, but reduce the number of partitions. Convert to logical/primary- conversion to logical (extended)/main (primary) partition.

Change label- change the disc label.

change drive letter- change the drive letter.

defragment- start standard Windows programs to defragment the disk.

Check partition- checking the disk for errors using, again, a standard Windows program.

hide partition- make sure that the section is not visible in the "Computer" window.

Delete partition- deleting a section.

format partition- section formatting.

Wipe partition- clearing the contents of the section. All folders and files will be deleted, the partition will remain. Information deleted in this way cannot be recovered.

Explore partition- view the contents of the section.

view properties- see how much space is occupied on the partition, what file system it has and find out other technical information.

The list of actions changes depending on where you click. In the screenshot above, I clicked on the non-system partition. By clicking on the system partition (where Windows is launched from), there will be no deletion, hiding, cleaning items. If you click on the physical disk icon, the list of actions will be completely different:

I will list the points:

copy disk- the contents of the entire disk are copied: partitions, information in them. To do this, you need a second disk of the same or larger volume.

Upgrade disk- the function is primarily needed for Windows Migration on the new hard larger disk. The partition is copied and enlarged in proportion to the size of the new hard disk.

Delete all partitions- delete all partitions.

Wipe disk- the same as the previous paragraph, only with special deletion algorithms, making it impossible to recover information.

surface test- checking the surface of the disk (physical). Allows you to detect bad sectors (the so-called "bads", "bad blocks").

view properties- display information about the disk.

Yes, knowledge of English is clearly required here, especially considering that almost every item calls up a window with the settings for the action to be performed. After you make the necessary manipulations, you need to apply the changes by pressing the button apply(Apply):

Only then will partitioning begin. This process can take some time - from a couple of minutes to several hours.

Depending on whether the system partition is affected or not, operations are carried out either immediately in the window, or you will need to restart the computer and start changing the partition in Native mode:

The program has a lot of functions, it's impossible to list them all. I recommend that you read the help for EaseUS Partition Master. She is on English language, unfortunately, but you can use google translator. The translation is quite understandable.

Pros of EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition:

  • Lots of features.
  • All actions are "virtual" until the Apply button is pressed. So, you can cancel the operations up to this "point of no return" and try to do something else with the partitions. Or don't do it at all if you change your mind.
  • Works stably and predictably. For example, in the process of testing during the change of partitions, I started copying files to the partition that needs to be changed. The result - a window appeared stating that the partition could not be locked, all operations were interrupted, the data did not disappear anywhere.
  • The program is free for home use.

Cons of EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition:

  • The interface is in English only.
  • There are perhaps even too many possibilities - this can confuse beginners.
  • A serious failure during the operation will lead to serious consequences.
  • For example, if you turn off the computer while changing the partition, the data from the partition will disappear. However, this is a minus of absolutely all programs for changing partitions.

Conclusion: the program is good. You can and should use it, there are no alternatives among free programs.

Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free

Free partition changer from a company based in Russia. Unfortunately, the program is in English. What made the developers take such a step is unclear. Moreover, the paid version of the program is in Russian.

The main window of the program is no different from the window of the hero of the previous review, except that the buttons have changed their order:

Worthy of special mention Express Mode(Simplified mode). By clicking on this button, we will get a window with a list of the most frequent actions:

One could say that this is an ideal mode for beginners, if not for one "but": everything here is in English. Moreover, I had a suspicion that the English here was somehow wrong, as if it were not a person who translated, but a machine.

Pros of Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free:

  • Many of the windows have a clear enough view to understand the functions.
  • Some operations are carried out immediately in the program window, some (if required) in Native mode. That is, the program does everything to reduce the chance of data loss.
  • The program is free to use at home.

Cons of Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free:

  • English, and because of the strange construction of phrases, it is quite difficult to perceive.
  • Simplified Express mode Mode works exactly the opposite: first, the descriptions of the operations and the operations themselves are more technical than is required; secondly, this mode is very capricious and does not really work, giving meaningless errors.
  • The program is too slow. For example, it took me about 5 minutes to remove a 38 GB hard drive partition - long enough for such a simple operation.

Conclusion: The program works, but is somehow unpredictable. I do not recommend using this program, since there is an alternative in the form of EaseUS Partition Master Home.

Changing partitions during installation of Windows 7, 8, 10

This tool also deserves a mention.

We take any installation disk with Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10, start the installation of the disk, go to the partition selection and click Disk setup:

Everything seems to be simple: you need to click on the section in the list, then the action button. Unfortunately, there is little action here: delete, format, partition and expand.

You can, for example, delete a partition and use the freed space to increase the size of another partition or partitions (while selecting the necessary partitions, press the Delete and Extend buttons in turn).

Alas, a very popular operation - reducing the size of partitions - is not here. It is possible to delete a partition, then re-create a new one with a smaller partition, but, unfortunately, we will lose data in this case.

All operations take place in real time, i.e. after the button is pressed, an action occurs.

Outcome: editing partitions during Windows installation is an extremely primitive tool. It works, but performs only a limited list of actions, among which the only one that saves data is increasing (expanding) the size of the partition. If you need to install Windows and do not need to save data on partitions, then the tool will come in handy.

If suddenly you accidentally deleted a partition during Windows installation or through any program, do not despair - the partition recovery feature is included in EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition.

To recover a deleted hard drive partition, do not touch sections, immediately boot into Windows (or insert the hard drive into another computer if you have deleted the system partition and Windows boot impossible), then run the above program, click on the line with the word Unallocated("Unassigned"), then click the button Partition recovery.

The rest, as they say, is a matter of technique - the action wizard will tell you where to click, where to check the boxes, then restore your deleted disk.

Tip #2: Installing two or more Windows operating systems on one hard drive

All that is needed for this - several sections. If the hard drive already has a second partition that is visible in the " A computer"- make sure that there is at least 20 GB of free space (more is better), then during the Windows installation, simply specify this second (third, fourth, etc.) drive. After installation, you will be able to select Windows using the menu that will appear when you turn on your computer.

If you have only one disk C), I propose the simplest option: Through Disk Management give section first FROM command Compress, reducing at least 20 gigabytes (or better, more, because in addition to Windows, you will also install programs):

Right click on drive C...

After pressing the button Compress disk size C decreases, unallocated (free) space appears in the partition map:

Specify unallocated space. The partition will be created by the installer itself.

After installation, you will have two operating systems. You can make more unallocated spaces or empty disks, specify them for installation.

Thanks to reader Vladimir for bringing this topic up.

You may have noticed that in the screenshots of the Disk Management window, all partitions are marked with a blue bar. You may have sections with green stripes. What is the difference between blue and green sections?

The green bar in Disk Management is a sign of an extended (additional) partition. As I wrote above, there may be "nested" sections inside, which from the user's point of view are no different from the main (primary). Nested partitions have one peculiarity - if you reduce their size, then due to the free space that has appeared, it will not be possible to expand the main partition just like that. You must first compress the extended partition itself (which stores free space and a reduced partition) to create free space outside of any partitions, only then you can expand the disks.

Standard Disk Management does not work properly with extended disks, so if you see green marks instead of blue ones, it's better to use the free programs above - they will reduce the extended partitions, move the free space where necessary and expand the main disk.

Specialized program for division hard drives called the section editor. In the operating room Windows system there is a built-in tool that allows you to perform all the basic manipulations, but it is not very convenient. The article will consider how the application of internal Windows utilities and third party products.

Disk Management

Disk Management is a standard tool included with Windows. Since Windows Vista, this utility has changed very little. But in earlier versions of the OS, using it, it is impossible to divide the hard disk. XP, for example, will only allow you to format the partition or change the letter.

The easiest way to launch the utility is to right-click on the "Computer" shortcut, and then click on the "Manage" line. An administration window will open, where you need to select the "Disk Management" item.

Here I will present all the drives installed in the computer (HDD, laser discs, flash drives). If the drive has multiple partitions, they will be presented as a diagram.

To find out what basic actions this hard disk partitioner can perform, right-click on the partition.

  • Open - launch File Explorer to view files.
  • Make active - indicates on which partition the system will look for the OS loader. If you apply this setting to the wrong drive, the operating system will stop starting.
  • Change Letter - It is logically clear that the command will change the letter that is displayed in the explorer window.
  • Format - change the type file system and/or After this operation, all data will be deleted.
  • Extend volume - if there is space on the HDD marked as unused, you can increase the size of the partition.
  • Shrink Volume - Reduces the size of the partition, but creates unallocated space that can be used to expand the volume.
  • Delete volume - when you click on this item, the partition will no longer exist. It is very difficult to recover data that is on the volume after such an operation.

Accordingly, in order to create multiple volumes, a hard disk partitioner must first compress one partition, and then create a new one.

The execution of any operation starts immediately after the user confirms his choice.

Third party software

EaseUS Partition Master can be downloaded for free for use on home computer. Its functions include not only resizing partitions and creating new ones, but also many additional ones. The only downside is the lack of Russian localization.

In the main window of the program there will be a list of disks and their labels at the top and a diagram of their location at the bottom. After clicking on any volume, it will open context menu with every possible action.

  • Resize/Move - volume resizing.
  • Copy partition - creating a mirror of a partition on another physical disk.
  • Merge partitions - merging several volumes into one.
  • Change label - setting a label (an inscription next to the drive letter).
  • Defragment - defragmentation is performed by a standard program built into the operating system.
  • Check partition - check the volume for errors. As in the case of defragmentation, standard Windows tools are used.
  • Hide partition - hide the volume, the operating system will not mount it and display it in Explorer.
  • Delete partition - this item will delete the partition.
  • Format partition - change file system or cluster size. In this case, all data will be deleted.
  • Wipe partition- complete cleaning information without formatting.

As with the built-in windows tool To make a new volume, the hard disk partitioner must first shrink the existing one and then create a new one in the unallocated area. Be careful, you can edit as much as you like, but until you click on the "Apply" button, no changes will be applied.

Non-system partitions are changed directly in operating system, if the changes affect the C: drive, you will have to reboot.

Key Benefits of EaseUS

  • has a lot of useful features.
  • Operations will not be applied until the "Apply" button is pressed, which means that erroneous actions can be undone.
  • It works stably and tries to protect user data as much as possible. For example, if you copy data to the volume you are about to modify, the program will not start, warning the user to terminate all processes using the disk first.
  • The program is free for home use.

Disadvantages of EaseUS

  • Lack of Russian localization.
  • A large number of possibilities can confuse a beginner.
  • A serious hardware or software failure will cause all data to be lost after partitioning the hard disk. (This scenario is not possible if the hardware is healthy).

Paragon Partition Manager

This application is also free. As in the previous one, there is no Russian language in it. The main window is identical to EaseUS. The presented program is equipped with all the standard tools: resizing partitions, creating new ones, copying a volume with the entire file structure to another for errors, formatting, merging volumes.

Advantages of the Paragon product

  • A visual view of the windows, which makes it easy to understand the program even for a beginner.
  • High level of security. Starting partitioning a hard drive, Windows 8 will alert the user if there is a risk of data loss, then ask again whether to perform the operation.
  • Completely free for home use.

Disadvantages of Paragon Partition Manager

  • Completely English interface.
  • Express Mode, which is made to simplify the work, but hides a lot of useful features.
  • Slow operating speed. For example, it takes about ten minutes to delete a 40 GB partition.

Acronis Disk Manager

Acronis' software must be the most popular among disk editors. It allows you to perform all popular operations: create partitions, resize, copy to another HDD, merge and split volumes. After all changes are made, they are queued and will not be applied until the user consents.

Acronis Disk Director differs from other partition editors with a built-in volume recovery tool. If, during operation, the program for dividing the hard disk, due to a failure, deletes or damages the partition table, the Recovery Expert tool can be launched, which will find and restore the deleted volumes.

The version downloaded for free has no time limit for its use. However, some functionality is truncated in it. For example, you cannot convert MBR to GPT, clone a primary partition, make a volume primary if it is logical. To remove the restrictions, you will have to pay $50.

Installing the program is quick and easy, it will not cause any difficulties even for a beginner. The interface of the main window resembles EaseUS and is as informative as possible.

In a list showing all drives and their volumes except standard scheme shows free space on each, file system type, unallocated space. The only drawback of the program is that it cannot work with non-system partitions on the fly. To perform hard disk partitioning, Windows 7 must be restarted.

This article talks about how to create, modify or delete hard disk partitions. Windows tools 7.
To work with hard disk partitions in Windows 7, there is a tool called "Disk Management": Control Panel → System and Security → Administrative Tools → Computer Management → Disk Management OR Start → in the search bar enter: diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

1. Section creation
Right-click on an empty space not occupied by other partitions required hard disk → Create a simple volume... The "Simple Volume Wizard" window will open, click the "Next" button. Then specify the size created partition, assign a drive letter, select the required file system and formatting options, make sure you did everything right again and click "Finish"
2. Partition compression
Right click on the desired section → Shrink Volume... A message box will appear asking for a place to compress, wait until the end of the survey. Then in the window that appears in the line "size of compressed space" specify the amount of free space and click "Compress"
3. Partition extension
Extend Volume... The "Extend Volume Wizard" window will appear, click the "Next" button. Then select the desired free area in the list, click "Add", then specify the size of the free space allocated to the partition, click the "Next" button, check the information and click "Finish"
4. Deleting a section
Right click on the desired section → Delete volume... Before continuing the operation, copy all the necessary files and folders to another drive, because. After deleting a volume, all data on it will be lost.
5. Change drive letter
Right click on the desired section → Change Drive Letter or Drive Path... Click on the Change button, select the desired drive letter and click OK. Next, we will take a closer look at ways to expand disks and not harm the information stored on them.

In order to divide the hard disk into partitions, you need to go to the "Start" menu → right-click on "Computer" and click on "Management".

In the window that appears, go to the "Disk Management" section.

Select the hard drive and partition you want to partition and right-click on it.

In the drop-down menu, you need to select "Shrink volume" and then select the size to which you want to reduce the existing partition. The space freed up after compression will be the new hard disk partition.

To create a new partition, you need to right-click on the free space and select "create volume". Then specify the size of the new partition and wait for the operation to complete. Sooner or later, any computer user is faced with such a problem as lack of free space on the system partition of the hard drive. This is where the question arises: How to expand C drive?

First we need to go to the "Computer Management" tab (see above).
When this tab opens, you will see in the window all the media that is currently connected to the computer. Each hard disk can be divided into several logical ones. The very first one will be "Disk 0". The space will be displayed on the right, reserved by the system, and logical partitions (C, D, E, F, etc.). If you have only one C drive and it is full, then you can try "Compress volume" (see above). If you have several logical partitions, then go ahead.

Principle of disk division.

The principle of action is as follows: we must expand the C drive at the expense of the adjacent logical partition. It can be drive D, E, and so on. In the same way, you can increase not only section C, but also others, if you have such a need. So, we delete the neighboring disk, for example, D. Right-click on it and select the "Delete volume" option. We press OK. Immediately after that, this volume should be displayed in black. It should show "Volume Unallocated". Now we can add the space we need to the C drive. To do this, right-click on the C partition and select "Expand Volume". Click "Next" and select the size you want to add.
Can be used maximum size, as it will be prompted by default, or choose at your discretion. Click "Next" and then "Finish". If no additional windows popped up, then the operation was successful. You have learned how to expand the C drive using Windows 7. The main thing to remember is that the system partition can only be expanded if there is free space to the right of it. Otherwise, nothing will work.

Possible difficulties.

What else can be difficult? Suppose we have five volumes. We want to configure them in such a way that we add part of the space to drive C, and the other to drive D. When deleting one of the partitions, the "Delete volume" function may not be active, and the "Expand volume" function is not available on volume C
The thing is that the section style can be used MBR*. This is an outdated style. In this case, two neighboring volumes can be connected by a green frame. This means that more than four volumes cannot be created with the MBR partition style.

Windows 8 provides the same tools for increasing space. Therefore, this method is also applicable on this operating system.

Partitioning a hard drive into partitions in the Windows 7 operating system is a very simple thing. You can see for yourself if you partition and create a new partition according to the described algorithm.

*MBR (Master Boot Record) main boot record in PC - table in the first sector boot disk A that stores information about the physical and logical organization of the disk. If this entry is corrupted, booting the OS becomes impossible.

That's all. Thanks for reading the article. I hope it was helpful to you.

On new PCs and laptops, you can often find inefficient disk space allocation: on the entire hard drive, even if it is a 500- or 1000-gigabyte HDD, apart from small technical partitions, there is only one system C from the working partitions. Suppliers computer technology not always at Windows installation divide the disk into several partitions (C, D, E, etc.), providing the user with the ability to store personal files in reliable, fail-safe Windows work places. However, the number of partitions on a disk and their sizes are the sphere of user needs, therefore, the latter should be concerned with the allocation of disk space. Below we will see how to partition a hard drive consisting of one partition C with Windows installed on it into several partitions using the AOMEI Partition Assistant program. We will use its Standard Edition, which is distributed free of charge.

AOMEI Partition Assistant is a rare case where a functional professional-level program comes free. The expansion of its capabilities is provided in paid editions, but even in the free edition we will find everything you need to organize disk space, not only at the basic level, but also at the advanced level. If we are only talking about dividing a disk into partitions, this can be done without resorting to third-party software, using the regular utility of the Disk Management system. But AOMEI Partition Assistant has more potential: mastering it will take the user to a new, more high level ownership of a computer and will allow him to solve many problems with the disk on his own. So, even such a seemingly simple operation as dividing a disk into partitions, the AOMEI Partition Assistant program will allow you to different ways– by dividing the partition and by resizing it. We will consider all this in detail below, but first a few words directly about the size of section C.

Before proceeding with the division of section C, it is necessary to determine the size left to it. In order to prevent data loss and disruption of Windows, AOMEI Partition Assistant will not allow you to compress the C partition to a size smaller than the size actually occupied by its data. But the size of partition C should not be equal to its actual space. For the full operation of Windows, it is necessary that about 20% of the volume of partition C remain free. It is desirable that partition C be at least 80 GB, and preferably 100 GB. The data is given without taking into account the installation of individual resource-intensive games and programs on the system partition.

1. Partition split

Partition partitioning is the creation of non-system partitions by dividing existing partitions into two parts. First, section C is divided into two parts, then section D is divided into two parts in the same way, and so on. This method is a couple of steps simpler than its alternative - the operation to resize the original partition, which will be discussed below. The partitions formed as a result of division automatically receive their own letter and “inherit” the file system from the original partition, and on MBR disks, the type is also primary (main). Only the fourth partition will be automatically created with a boolean type.

In the AOMEI Partition Assistant window, click the C partition and click the "Partition Partition" context menu option.

By moving the slider of the graphic block, we form the sizes of sections. We leave section C, for example, 80-100 GB, and give everything else to section D. Next, click the “Advanced” button below and activate the option. Click "OK".

In the main window of the program we will see a picture of the partitions, which it is not yet, but will be after applying the planned operations. AOMEI Partition Assistant provides for carrying out several assigned operations in a single process. So, in the manner described above, the newly formed section D can be divided into two more sections - one smaller, one larger. And the larger section, in turn, can be divided into two more parts. And so on.

Upon completion of the formation of sections, we can add some more operations. The context menu of sections, the functions of which are duplicated on the operation panel on the left of the window, allows you to assign the necessary letters to the generated sections and give them their own names (change labels).


If you need to install for some of the partitions of the file system not NTFS, but another, you can add formatting with a change of file system to the already planned operations.


Once everything is ready, you can start applying the scheduled operations. To do this, click the "Apply" button.


Then we confirm the decision twice - in the list of pending operations and in the window warning about the need to perform operations in the pre-boot mode of the system.

We are waiting for the completion of the AOMEI Partition Assistant and after rebooting the system, we check the results.

2. Resize partition

Partition resizing is a method of creating non-system partitions that reduces the size of the C partition and leaves the freed space unallocated. From it, respectively, you can form sections. The advantage of this method is that you can set the necessary partition parameters immediately when creating them. In the AOMEI Partition Assistant window, click partition C and click "Resize Partition".


Move the graphic block slider to the left until section C is reduced to the desired size. Next, click "Advanced" and set the partition alignment option. Click "OK".

Returning to the main program window, click the unallocated space formed as a result of the previous operation and click "Create Partition".


A special form will appear, where we can immediately select a letter and file system for the future partition. If not everything is given under the section disk space, reduce it by shifting the graphic block slider to the left. Next, click the "Advanced" button.

In the advanced mode of this form on MBR disks, we can select the type of partition - primary or logical. Having decided on the settings, we check that the partition alignment option is checked, and then click "OK".

We apply the planned operations and confirm them.


Have a great day!

When installing Windows hard the disk is traditionally divided into at least two partitions - a smaller system one with the letter C and a larger user one with the letter D. Such a division was not just invented because of someone's whim, it has important practical value. Firstly, partitioning the hard disk into partitions in Windows 7/10 allows you to save the user's personal files when reinstalling the system, otherwise they would be destroyed during formatting, and secondly, it's just more convenient to work with data, not to mention the fact that This greatly reduces the risk of accidental removal. system files.

However, some computers and laptops with installed system have only one partition - the system one, not counting the "System Reserved" area. In such cases, the user has to create additional volumes on the disk himself. This procedure is very simple, however, for beginners it can still cause certain difficulties, especially when it comes to partitioning a partition with an installed system. So what's the right way to break HDD partitions without losing data?

There are three main ways to partition a hard disk into volumes: using the standard disk management snap-in, using a command line utility diskpart and with the help third party programs created specifically for this purpose. The first method has a number of limitations, the second may seem complicated, the most convenient is the third, using third-party software, but not all such programs are free. Let's consider all three options.

Using the Disk Management utility

So, there is a computer on the disk of which there is only one volume, not counting the reserved area. First, let's look at how to split a hard drive into two partitions using the built-in disk management snap-in. By pressing Windows + X call the context menu of the Start button and select "Disk Management" in it.

In the window that opens, right-click on the area system partition with the letter C and select the Shrink Volume option from the menu.

After the volume is polled for allocated space, specify the size of the new partition in megabytes in the "Size of compressible space" field and click "Compress".

As a result, you will get unallocated space highlighted in black. Right-click on it, select "Create a simple volume" and follow the wizard.

During partition creation, you will be prompted to specify the volume size, assign a letter, select the file system (NTFS is needed) and assign a label, that is, the volume name displayed in Explorer.

After clicking the "Finish" button, the section will be created.

Partitioning a hard drive in Diskpart

Now let's look at how to split a hard drive into 2 parts in Windows 7/10 using another regular tool - a console utility diskpart. Unlike Disk Management, which has GUI, she has big set functionality, in addition, you can divide the disk into partitions in Diskpart from under the bootable media even in a non-working system. So open as administrator command line or the PowerShell console and run the following commands in sequence:

list volume
select volume 1
shrink desired=102600
list disk
select disk 0

The first command launches the Diskpart utility itself, the second command displays a list of partitions available on the physical disk, the third command selects the partition number corresponding to drive C, the fourth one compresses it by the specified size in megabytes. The fifth command displays a list of all physical disks, the sixth command selects the partitioned disk (if there is one on the PC, its ID will be 0).

We continue.

create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=G

The seventh team creates new section, the eighth - formats it to the NTFS file system, the ninth command assigns the specified letter to the new volume, the tenth - terminates Diskpart.

As you can see, the algorithm of actions has much in common with how the partition was created through the built-in disk management snap-in. Now, if you go to the "This PC" section, you will see a new logical partition there.

Splitting a disk into parts in Acronis Disk Director

You can also use third-party tools to create custom disk volumes. One of them is Acronis Disk Managerpowerful program for partitioning the hard disk and not only. The procedure for partitioning a hard drive in this program is very simple. After launching the application, select the partitioned disk with the mouse and select "Split Volume" from the menu of operations on the left.

A dialog box will open, in which, using the slider, set the size of the new partition.

If on source disk there are user files, you can transfer them to the new volume being created, however, this can be done later in Explorer. But system files cannot be transferred, otherwise Windows may not boot. After setting the parameters of the procedure, first click "OK", and then "Apply Pending Operations".

If the system asks you to reboot, give it permission. The program will do the rest by itself, you just need to wait for the operation to complete.

How to Partition a Hard Disk in Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Another powerful program for working with disks and partitions. It also has its own partitioning wizard. After launching the application, switch to the "Partition operations" tab in the main menu and click on the link "Partition splitter wizard".

At the next stage, the program will prompt you to determine the size of the new partition. Use the markup slider or enter the desired size manually. Assign a letter to that, click "Next" and confirm the operation.

Clicking "Finish" completes the wizard.

Now, to apply the planned action, click on the button of the same name in the left part of the Paragon Hard Disk Manager window and once again confirm your intention to partition the disk.

After that, the remapping procedure will start. If the drive is a system drive, you will need to restart your computer.

Disk Partitioning in AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition

And finally, let's see how to partition a hard disk into partitions in free program AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition. There is no separate layout wizard in this program; re-layout is performed in two stages. First you need to get free space. Right-click on the shared drive and select "Resize Partition" from the menu.

Drag the slider to set new size section and click OK.

As a result, unallocated space will be formed. Select it with the mouse, in the menu on the left, select the "Create Partition" option.

In the window that opens, if necessary, adjust the layout parameters (you can change the size, letter, file system type and partition type) and click OK.

Now, to start the splitting procedure, click on the "Apply" button.

Since work is being done with system drive, you will need to restart your computer.

All of the above methods allow you to partition a hard drive without data loss, however, when performing this procedure, especially when using third-party software, you should be careful, since the risk of information loss, albeit very small, is still present.