What behavioral factors ranking and how do they affect the SEO-optimization of the site in Yandex and Google? Where do search engines get PF data from? List of 26 Behavioral Ranking Factors: How to Improve Them? Is it possible to wind up the PF or pessimize the competitor's website? Read more about everything in this article.

When generating search results, search engines are guided by, which are used in algorithms for determining the quality of sites and their relevance to search queries. One of the most significant SEO factors are behavioral ranking factors.

What are site behavioral factors?

Behavioral ranking factors- a set of parameters that determine the relevance of the page search query, based on the actions of site users, their profile and history of interaction with search. These parameters are used in search ranking algorithms.

Behavioral factors today play an important role in the process of determining the relevance of sites, however, their contribution cannot be assessed. quantitative indicators. Firstly, search engines do not comment on the information and do not disclose site ranking factors and their weight in the overall ranking formula. Secondly, there are a large number of other factors that also affect the issuance. These can be domain, link, commercial factors, etc.

Behavioral factors reflect the visitor's engagement and interest in the content presented on the page. Modern SEO optimization does not seem effective without working on these indicators, the convenience of interfaces, and the quality of content.

The Impact of Behavioral Factors on SEO

It’s worth starting with the fact that behavioral factors cannot be considered in abstraction from other ranking factors. For example, technical factors such as low speed site performance or the presence of broken internal links can significantly reduce the browsing depth. Server unavailability or unoptimized images for people with unstable internet can be a problem in displaying content on the site, which in turn can increase the bounce rate. Poor quality content, uninteresting text, is likely to provoke the user to go to another site.

The high degree of dependence of user factors on the quality of the site, as well as the complexity of artificially influencing them, made these factors one of the most significant in determining the relevance of the issue. About 10-15 years ago, text and link ranking factors had high priority in search algorithms. The simplicity of their definition has led to artificial cheating: mass purchase of external links, re-optimization of texts with keywords. Naturally, the influence of these factors decreased, and pessimizing ranking algorithms appeared, such as Baden-Baden and Minusinsk, which lowered sites in search engine spam and unnatural link mass.

Since 2014, Yandex has naturally announced an increase in the influence of behavioral ranking factors in determining the relevance of pages, and a corresponding decrease in the influence of external links. The search engine said that the priorities in the updated algorithm, that is, having more weight in the overall ranking formula, are behavioral factors that are based primarily on the quality of content, usability and user experience of interaction with the search and the site.

Where do search engines get PF data from?

Before moving on to the list of behavioral ranking factors, let's look at the sources from which search engines draw data on web resources.

  1. Analytics systems. Almost every site today has a Yandex.Metrica statistics counter or Google Analytics. Providing webmasters free tool analysts, search engines receive in return a huge amount of data that is used for ranking.
  2. Browsers. Search engines spend a lot of money developing and advertising their own browsers for a reason. This is another source of information about the user profile, its interaction with sites, which allows you to make the search better.
  3. Browser extensions like Yandex.Bar, they can transmit data to search engines about user interaction with the search.
  4. Search engine services. Data from Google Search Console, Google Plus, Yandex.Webmaster, Zen, Directory and other search engine services may be taken into account in determining the relevance of sites.
  5. Other software and software, one way or another controlled by search engines. For example, PuntoSwitcher purchased by Yandex can provide search data about user typos. This information can be used in determining the vital vadacha.

Internet memes are already being made about the user experience of interacting with search companies:

As the saying goes, there is some truth in every joke. Modern search engines can approach the formation of a user profile in a personalized way, based on the data of his interaction with all kinds of services and applications.

List: 26 Behavioral Ranking Factors

Consider a list of behavioral ranking factors that today can significantly affect your site's position in search, both for better and for worse:

Behavioral factors cheating is an artificial imitation of user actions on the site. It is designed to increase the browsing depth, time on the site, reduce the bounce rate and affect other parameters that affect the ranking of sites. To date, optimizers either develop their own software or use third-party services for cheating PF.

We consider both ways of artificial influence on extradition unpromising. 4-5 years ago, these tools could work, however, later search engines began to be pessimistic, or completely exclude resources from the issuance of such frauds. User factors - in themselves are complex and non-linear indicators, the effectiveness of which strongly depends on the subject, user profile, visit history, type of resource, and many other factors. Objectively, existing services linearly wind up the most accessible factors in fairly primitive ways that are easy to track. In the site statistics, the geography of visitors, their devices, IP addresses, the unjustified nature of user behavior on the site, the distribution of attention across pages, etc. change dramatically. Such uncharacteristic changes are easily tracked by modern search engines. Theoretically, it is possible to develop an algorithm as close as possible to the actions of users, however, this will be the result of a security breach on the Internet, the creation of botnets, which can later be used for DDos attacks and other selfish goals of hackers. Search engines regard this threat as search spam and have a negative attitude towards the spread of malware on the Internet.

Here is a comment from a Yandex official from 2016, when the company began to actively fight this type of search spam:

This raises a completely logical question: "How do search engines track the promotion of PF in order to lower the positions of competitors in the search results?". We believe that sanctions for PF cheating are imposed after a long time of use and only manually. In this case, competitors will have to for a long time spend your own money, every day more and more doubting the prospects for attempts to pessimize competitors. Or perhaps suspicious traffic and PF, which search engines consider unnatural, is simply screened out from participation in ranking algorithms. Share your opinion in the comments on this issue.

Here is the official answer from Yandex support. The search engine says that such attempts are taken into account and tracked in the algorithm:

How to improve the behavioral factors on the site?

Instead of trying to artificially influence user factors by imitating user actions, it is better to work on the quality of the project, its content, page speed, usability and other aspects of a modern Internet resource. Let's take a look at a few website optimization options to improve behavioral ranking factors.

We are looking for weak points of the site

The best tool for visually displaying the conversion holes of your site is Webvisor. This tool allows you to view the entire user session in the first person, to understand the nature and motives of his actions. With the help of WebVisor, you can analyze and understand why visitors leave your site, from which pages they leave and after what actions.

Analyze bounces, sessions with low duration and activity, through which users go to your site, browsers and devices. Track the correct display of your site on different resolutions, devices and browsers. Perhaps the biggest bounce rate comes from one browser that doesn't support your code.

Session duration

It makes no sense to purposefully increase the duration of the session, since this factor strongly depends on the subject of the project, its goals and content. However, an increase in the amount of time users spend on your site can signal that users are more engaged with your page's information or product range.

If you consider a commercial site, then be sure to add pagination of pages, add the ability to filter the number of products on the page, use product filters, experiment with loading products without reloading the page (Ajax). Display the number of products in a category so that users are aware of the breadth of your range. Provide users with the most complete information about your products: video reviews, photos from various angles, detailed descriptions goods, their characteristics. Try to display important information for users even before switching to the product card.

Information sites can increase user engagement and session time with all sorts of polls on the topic, tests, opinions of experts and celebrities, infographics, useful videos, convenient tables, and high-quality structuring and presentation of content on the page.

There is one very interesting technique for checking the usability and usability of your site. Suggest to your mother or grandmother, who are not advanced users, to find a certain page or place an order on your site. By their reaction, it will immediately become clear to you what weak areas your site has from the point of view of users.

View Depth

Work on semantic page linking, navigation and site structure so that users can get to any page in no more than 3 clicks. Offer related content to users based on their interests and the content of the page they are on.

We reduce the bounce rate

We remove aggressive ads and pop-ups from our site that block access to content for the user. Raise the most important content for the user to the top of the page. If this is a product category, the user should immediately see the product items in the visible area of ​​his device. If this informational article, the user does not have to scroll to the middle of the page in the hope of getting to the content, viewing a ton of ads or useless materials.

Check that your website scripts work correctly on all devices and browsers. It is possible that errors in the interpretation of the code by the browser prevent users from accessing content or taking necessary actions.

Development of snippets

Analyze the CTR of your snippets, traffic on individual pages and the position of the site in the SERP in comparison with past indicators. Evaluate the relevance of the information presented in the snippet to the tasks that the user is trying to solve. Do not forget to take into account the seasonality and dynamics of demand for certain key queries.

Work on your site's microdata to get rich snippets. Experiment with using special characters and HTML5 tags in snippet titles and descriptions. See how it will affect your positions and traffic.

We increase user activity

When using "Chat with the company" in the search, promptly and as detailed as possible give users advice.

Try at the end of the article to ask the opinion of your readers on the material presented, perhaps this will increase their involvement in the discussion of a given topic.

Update and update content

This recommendation applies to both commercial and informational sites. In the first case, it is extremely important to maintain the relevance of product balances so that users do not order those products that are no longer in stock. It is also necessary to maintain the relevance of prices, descriptions, graphic materials, so that the product that people see on the site corresponds to it in reality.

For information sites, it is important to keep the data up-to-date, especially in dynamically changing areas. Legal sites with outdated legal information are unlikely to stay in the TOP of search engine results for a long time. As well as a site about SEO optimization, which recommends buying links and cheating user factors, is unlikely to deserve the attention of users.

Irrelevant and not updated content of your resources can negatively affect behavioral factors, engagement and audience loyalty.

Improving interaction with the site

Try to provide users with as much functionality and data as possible to help them solve their problem. For online stores, dimensional grids of goods are a kind of must have. For example, for the developer's website, the presence of a virtual tour of the apartments under construction will be a big plus. For an information site dedicated to diets, it would be a good addition to have a calorie calculator that will help each user calculate their personal indicators and leave a weight loss plan.

Put yourself in the place of users and think about what interactive or functionality you can help them solve their problems, as well as increase conversion or key indicators of your business.


In order to evaluate the behavioral factors of your site, it is not necessary to know all the elements of search algorithms. You already have everything you need to analyze from a human point of view - these are analytics systems. Master new reports, analyze statistics, user behavior on your site, holes due to which users go to competitors. Put yourself in the place of users and ask yourself the question "what do I not like about this site?", attract independent people from your target audience to evaluate the content and usability of your resource.

Subscribe to the blog, share the article in in social networks, ask your questions in the comments and share your opinion about the impact of behavioral factors on modern SEO.

To understand what commercial factors are, you need to have an idea of ​​the goal pursued by Yandex by introducing them. And here we need a little history. In order not to write a lot, consider the main events.

1 wave: In October, at the Cybermarketing-2011 conference on new factors that will evaluate commercial criteria that are important when choosing a product or service on the Internet, told Kirill Nikolaev. The groups of these criteria were announced:

  • confidence
  • service quality
  • convenience of choice
  • design

2 wave: In November 2011, Yandex announced a change in the ranking formula for the Moscow region. After the innovations, sites that were kept only by “optimization” really suffered a lot.

3 wave: In 2013, Yandex announced the abolition of link factors. Since one factor goes away, others get more weight, and many optimizers paid attention to commercial indicators. Around the same time, on the net with a description of the principles of operation and the stages of training the algorithm to take into account commercial criteria.

It has a list of 14 indicators by which the commercial component of the site is evaluated. These are the ones I want to discuss in this article. Obviously this is not full list, but just a few criteria for an example. But their analysis gives an understanding in which direction you need to work in order to improve the commercial performance of your site.

1. Detailed contact information

Since the request is commercial, the user potentially has to trust his money and be sure that he will receive a product or service. If you only have a form on your site feedback, it becomes doubtful whether it is worth doing.

We go to the contact page. If we see where the office is located - this is already a plus, if we see a photo of the manager - another plus, etc. The more detailed contact information is presented on the site, the higher the trust in it.

May be taken into account:

  • Communication options (phone, e-mail, Skype, ICQ, online consultant, etc.). A real opportunity to contact is important! It is likely that the consultant's presence on site is also monitored and taken into account.
  • Availability of regional offices or points of issue.
  • Registration data. On the one hand, this incomprehensible set of numbers and letters will not tell anything to most users, but these data indicate that this is the site of an officially registered company, which, in which case, you can make claims. The importance of this information is also confirmed by the fact that now, without it, the site is not accepted into Yandex.Catalog, even on a paid basis.

It is necessary to optimize both the contact page itself and the template - the information must be available.

List of criteria related to quality contact information, can be expanded long enough.

Let's take at least a phone:

  • it must be placed on all pages;
  • Yandex says that a landline phone is more trustworthy than a mobile phone:
  • specify the operating hours of the operators;
  • the number must be placed in the form of text (available for indexing) and noticeable. Sometimes it seems that the owners tried to hide it from both users and search robots;
  • if both a landline number and a mobile number are published on the site, it is obvious that it will be more convenient for the user if there are phones of different operators;
  • if the company has several departments working with clients - plus if their phones are posted;
  • there are many identical numbers in the number and it is easy to remember - it means that the company has taken care of its customers;
  • the site has a number that the user can call for free - obviously, this is a positive thing for users.

As a result, there are many nuances in the placement of even a form of communication.

There can be many criteria, as we have shown, and it is very difficult to determine how much weight each of them has specifically in your subject. Therefore, it is correct to optimize the commercial factors of the site in parallel with the marketing analysis of the site and competitors. With this approach, you are more likely to hit the target. Otherwise, a lot of features and services that are useless in your subject can be added to the site.

2. Company pages in social networks

It is clear that for different topics, the effect of groups in the social. networks will be different. And if in the group of a hand-made goods store users can be active and traffic from the social. networks is quite expected, then in the group of companies engaged in metal rolling, you should not expect the same result.

But the fact that you are willing to work with your clients on different channels, spending time on maintaining and developing groups already shows that you care about your visitors.

Also, don't forget to include your details. social groups when adding an address in the Yandex Webmaster panel:

3. No ads

If the site is commercial, it cares about its customers and business, it will definitely not want a potential client to leave for another resource. Continuing the thought - if a company is ready to easily part with a potential client, then it is unlikely that it will spend money on improving the service and the quality of the services provided. And this is a definite minus for the commercial factors of the site.

In 2011 (shortly before the announcement of commercial rankings), Yandex announced that it would consider usability factors. And first of all, pay attention to the quality of advertising:

4. Number of goods (range)

The more products on the site, the more likely that the user will find what he needs.

But everything is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. After all, the fact that there are few goods on the site does not mean that the store is bad. There are many sites that specialize in products designed for a narrower audience. The value of this factor, obviously, should depend on the subject and specifics of the request. For example, upon request "detergents" the number of goods will be more than requested "professional cleaners".

Another point to pay attention to is the availability of goods. If many store cards say "Out of stock", this can be a negative factor.

In a number of topics, for example, the sale of books, films, mobile devices, the availability of new products and the frequency of updates may matter - users are interested in up-to-date information.

5. Design and filling of the product card

It is important for the user that the product card contains all the information necessary to select the product, including the conditions of purchase.

This is how the minimum set for a high-quality product card from Yandex looks like:

Depending on the type of product, the completeness of information, of course, is evaluated differently. It is also important that all product cards are filled out, and not just promoted pages.

6. Delivery

The fact that delivery information is important for commercial sites, Yandex representatives wrote back in 2011:

Let's see how delivery on one site can be better or worse:

  • Shipping Options. If the store cares about convenience, then it offers several delivery options so that the user can choose which option is best for him.
  • Availability of points of issue and own service delivery. If the product is expensive, users often want to make sure that it is intact or clarify information with the seller.
  • Availability free shipping . It is clear that if there is an opportunity not to pay for delivery, most users will not miss it.
  • Delivery terms. Ceteris paribus, will you choose a store that is ready to deliver the order on the same day or in 4-7 days?.. It is also more convenient for users if the delivery service works on weekends and you can specify the desired delivery time.
  • Shipping Details. On product cards, in addition to the words “delivery within 3 days” and a picture of a truck, there should be a page where delivery conditions will be described in detail. Do not forget to put a link to the terms of delivery in the menu of the site.

7. Availability of a support service

In this case, apparently, it is not just about the opportunity to communicate with the manager (the online consultant is made a separate paragraph), but about customer support after the purchase or conclusion of the contract.

It can be:

  • technical support phone on the provider's website;
  • the ability to ask a question through the feedback form;
  • section "Frequently Asked Questions";
  • the presence of a thematic forum;
  • the ability to track the status of the order, etc.

And here's a great example. 😉 :

Yandex has technical support, where they respond quite quickly, while Google only has a forum where official representatives are rare guests. Who has this factor pumped better?

8. Online consultant

We do not know if Yandex takes into account the intrusive form of an online consultant as a negative factor. But if not, you probably need to do it and publish a separate post about it on the official blog. Essentially, it's the same intrusive adware of your service, which prevents you from viewing the main content.

How negative moment it may also be considered that the consultant is not available during working hours.

But in general, another way of communication is a plus in the treasury of convenience.

9. Discounts

Do users like discounts, promotions? I think for any manager the answer to this question is obvious. And if they love it, then the store where they are will be more attractive to users.

10. Readability of the domain name

Let's move on to more technical points. If the company has made sure that the name of the site can be easily remembered and the user already understands what the site is about from the name of the site, then this is definitely a positive thing.

11. Average URL Length

Commercial factors are considered as a whole for the site, so the average length of the URL is used here. Apparently there are limits. And if the site goes beyond them in one direction or another, it gets a minus. It is also perhaps obvious that this is not the only metric related to URL scores.

Probably taken into account:

  • information content;
  • compliance with the structure of the site.

12. Average Title Length

As with URLs, length is not the only measure of title quality. But there seem to be some limits. And if the figure is too small due to the fact that the headings are filled only on promoted pages, or too large, because in addition to information about the product, they include the name of all subcategories and the company's slogan, then the site can receive a negative rating for this parameter.

13. Match Title to page content

The title is included in the snippet. Suppose the user sees the word in the title "stock", went to the page. But instead of information about the action, I didn’t find anything, because all the headers are automatically substituted with a list of possible query clarifications, for example, "price", "buy", "catalog", "photo", "promotions", "reviews", "inexpensive".

Or I saw 3 direct occurrences of the word in the text and 4 more word forms, as the webmaster "sharpened" the page for the request. Anyway necessary information the user did not find.

14. Average URL nesting

Again the same question: well - how much is that? It is unlikely that there is an exact answer to it. As in the case with the length of the Title and URL, it seems to be about getting into the framework, which should depend on the subject of the site and its structure. For example, if a site has several levels of subcategories and the average nesting is 2, then the URLs do not reflect the structure of the site. More than 7-8 - too much unnecessary information.

Drawing conclusions

Optimize your business as a whole. No need to just try to "pump" commercial factors. We already wrote above that there are many factors and they have different meaning depending on the subject. By optimizing business factors, you will increase the degree of user satisfaction, the number of sales, and are more likely to fall into the very criteria that Yandex considers important in your subject.

Artificially pumped factors may simply not be useful. For example, we noticed that the reviews that the company itself adds to the pages have a much smaller effect on positions than real comments.

Analyze competitors. Knowing what services, services, communication methods are used by competitors in the TOP, you can understand what exactly the site lacks in order to get a higher assessment of the commercial components. The Yandex article states that vital and useful sites were excluded from the sample. It is very problematic to determine what kind of sites they are during the analysis. But we recommend taking this point into account in the analysis.

Take care of the quality of your services, make your work credible. Yandex considers these parameters to be a priority. Let's quote one of the translations of the article:

“The weight of reliability and level of service is twice as high as other indicators. This is due to the fact that we consider these properties to be more important in terms of user satisfaction, but do not consider this choice of coefficients as the only possible one.

Consider usability design. Of the listed criteria, design raises the most questions. I think it is unlikely that Yandex has learned to evaluate the beauty of the site, and we are still talking about moments that are closer to usability. For example, it may take into account:

  • the presence of large images in the design, increasing the loading time;
  • excessive use of multimedia elements;
  • readability of the fonts used;
  • structured text.

In favor of the fact that the design of the site, if taken into account, then from the position of usability, some explanations from Yandex also speak.

For example, in an announcement about a change in the ranking formula, the design and user interface combined into one item.

The recommendations “What is the difference between a high-quality site and a low-quality site from the point of view of Yandex?” the link in the paragraph “Think carefully about the design” leads to a message that Yandex when ranking will consider usability.

There are no clear criteria. But attempts to guess which color Yandex likes best are most likely doomed to failure. And it is better to focus on improving the convenience and usability of the site.

Always put yourself in your place potential client!

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It is hardly possible to list all the factors with great accuracy. But taking into account the advice of experts, we can list the main ones.

Following the rules of the game "to the cities", after the search program "Arzamas", it was necessary to come up with the name of the new Yandex search algorithm with the letter "C". Winter landscapes in 2009 inspired the development team for the name "Snezhinsk". So appeared Matrixnet.

Yandex search team leader Ivan Naimushin, Having received a lot of feedback from those who wanted to test the beta version of the search, we fixed several bugs by improving the search formula. In the new Snezhinsk formula, the approach to building Yandex rankings, including localized ones, has changed.

Denis Raskovalov, Head of Yandex Search Quality Department, said that:

“It was possible to create a more accurate and much more complex mathematical model, which led to a significant increase in the quality of the search. Thanks to the redesign of the search ranking architecture, it was possible to implement accounting several thousand search parameters for one document.

Several thousand parameters sounds, for optimizers, really sounds intimidating. Now, with the old promotion scheme, it is already more difficult to get into the Yandex TOP, and even more so to constantly maintain high positions.

The issuance of "Snezhinsk" is very different from the main one. Geodependence began to be taken into account more. The official release says:

“Continuing a good tradition, we have introduced additional regional factors in Snezhinsk based on users' interest in documents. They will improve the accuracy of searches in 19 cities with local rankings.”

According to the head of the Yandex search quality department, Dena Raskovalova, for April 2010, which he announced on the sidelines of the RIF, Yandex takes into account over 420 ranking factors. A little earlier Ilya Segalovich, also mentioned the number 400 in discussions. One must think that this number is slowly growing. It can be said that in Yandex it becomes a kind of hobby for the employees of the search department to come up with new factors, and then test and make a decision to include this or that factor in the ranking formula.

These factors act synchronously, in such a way that one of them can equalize or nullify the actions of the other. Therefore, with the new algorithm, it is necessary not to overdo it with some parameters, so as not to worsen others.

What should be guided by when promoting a site in Yandex

  1. Do not abuse multiple use keywords from a query in one sentence. No more than one use in one sentence.
  2. Keywords should be placed closer to the beginning of the document.
  3. Avoid excessively dense accumulation of keywords, maintaining a distance between their uses of about 15–20 words.
  4. Publish and natural content.
  5. Yandex has a very negative attitude towards a sharp “link explosion”, so to speak.
  6. Avoid buying links from bad donors.

And at the end of the video about Yandex and Russian SEO

    Text Factors

    If the text does not keyword, then the site will not be in the search results. If there is, search engines determine whether the text of the page and the entire site correspond to this keyword. The following are subject to verification: uniqueness content (how your texts, photos, videos differ from competing ones), relevance information, relevance request (how well and fully does your page respond to question asked). Trying to please the search engine, some SEOs make serious mistakes. For example, if you use too many keywords in your texts (SEO spam) or write meaningless texts, then your site will never take a leading position in the search.

    In online stores, you can often see copied descriptions in product cards, poorly designed product cards, low-quality photos, etc. Do not be lazy and spend time and effort filling in information about all products. The more detailed and diverse it is, the better search engines and users will appreciate you. Online stores are often forgiven for non-unique descriptions and photos, but sites with unique content, all other things being equal, have advantages.

    Site structure

    This includes the correct site relinking(simple and human-friendly navigation through the resource, the correct use of keywords in anchors and the correct distribution of PageRank by landing pages), nesting level pages, availability pages for search robots, indication of the main mirror for all versions of the site, CNC(human-readable page addresses). Make the work of Yandex robot easier: create access rules in robots.txt and .htaccess files, place and update the sitemap in .xml format. Such sites are indexed faster, search robots see when and where changes have taken place and enter information into their database.

    HTML and META data

    This information is practically invisible to site users, but Yandex takes it into account when generating search results. Use unique, different META tags for different pages of the site. tags , <Description> </b> and text headings <b><H1> </b> should contain keywords, but not in excessive quantities. In addition, they should not be too long or short, but should accurately reflect the content of the page itself. Micromarking helps search engines determine, for example, where the price of the product, its description, ratings, reviews are indicated on the page, you can mark up contact information - phone numbers, addresses, etc.</p> <p><b>Technical factors</b></p> <p>For search engines, such indicators of your resource are important that indicate its stable and <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/bystryi-brauzer-dlya-xp-kakoi-vybrat-brauzer-dlya-netbuka-dlya.html">fast work</a>. These include: <b>download speed</b> pages, <b>availability</b> site for users and search robots, <b>main mirror setting</b> site ("gluing" domains), <b>no duplicates</b> site pages under different addresses, correctly <b>configured server responses</b>, <b>no validation errors</b> and others. It is impossible to increase your position in the search results using technical indicators, but if your resource has a large number of technical errors, then the site may fall under one of the search engine filters that reduce the site's position in the SERP, even if other ranking factors are optimized "by Great". For search from mobile devices, the presence of <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/o-kompanii-mobilnyi-internet-mts-tarify-podklyuchenie-i-ceny-mts.html">mobile version</a> site. If you have a lot of users moving from mobile devices, then this parameter indirectly drags along behavioral indicators.</p> <p><b>Trust Factors</b></p> <p>The degree of search engine confidence in your site. This may include: <b>website lifetime</b>, <b>brand mention</b> online, <b>links from trust sites</b> on this topic (for example, from habrahabr.ru for IT sites) or general directories (Yandex catalog, DMOZ), <b>stability</b> his works, <b>absence</b> <b>viruses</b> on the resource, availability <b>good story</b>(the site has never been banned before, has always been available, has not changed owners), has no links to malicious sites.</p> <p><b>Commercial factors</b></p> <p>Yandex separates all keywords into commercial and non-commercial. Commercial words are words by which a person wants to buy something. Informational - wants to learn something useful. For sites that are displayed by commercial words, Yandex puts forward special requirements. Ideally, these should be online stores with detailed and <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/seti-wi-fi-rabota-i-standarty-primenenie-i-osobennosti-kak-skrytno.html">complete information</a> for buyers. Therefore, if your site is commercial, present your company on the site as fully as possible: fill in the "Contacts" sections (phone numbers, addresses, <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-izbavitsya-ot-spama-na-pochte-yandeks-kak-izbavitsya-ot-spama.html">Email</a>, working hours, details, etc.), "Delivery", "Payment", "Prices", "Order Form", "Guarantees", "Reviews", "About the company", etc. So that your customers can to contact you online, place the "Consultation" button. The clearer and more information about the company and the terms of cooperation is published, the better your resource will be evaluated by Yandex. These are key factors for everyone without exception. <b>commercial sites</b>.</p> <p><b>Behavioral factors</b></p> <p>Based on the behavior of visitors on the site, Yandex evaluates how much they like the site: <b>bounce rate</b>,<b>time on site</b>,<b>viewing depth</b>,<b>Snippet CTR</b>(what percentage of users who saw your site in the search clicked on its description), etc. If visitors quickly close pages, it means that they do not find the necessary information. The search engine algorithm concludes that a person does not like such a site, and reduces its position. In order for visitors to stay on the site for a long time, you will need to constantly improve and update it. You can hold attention by posting videos and <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/luchshii-perevodchik-s-fotografii-podbiraem-foto-perevodchik.html">good photos</a>, special offers, discounts and promotions, as well as adding reviews and reviews of goods and services. For good site behavioral indicators, you will have to use several different tools: SEO analysis, usability analysis, expansion and modernization of the business itself.</p><p>But keep in mind that behavioral factors have their own peculiarity. Search engines can calculate the CTR of a snippet only when the site has taken positions above the 30th, and the snippet has started to be clicked on. And for over <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/plagin-wordstat-assistant-rabotaem-s-yandex-wordstat-kak-pereiti-k-nizkochastotnym.html">low frequency queries</a> behavioral ones do not work, since such keywords are extremely rarely requested in the search - it is impossible to calculate either CTR or bounces for 2-3 hits.</p> <p><b>Link Factors</b></p> <p>Search engines at the dawn of their development used the number of links to a site as an indicator of the popularity of a site - the more the better. The logic was this: if the site is interesting, users put links to it. Optimizers began to use this and display links even to very bad sites. Search engines tried several times to drop this indicator, but in this case, even worse sites came to the first page of the results, which had no money to develop a normal site or links. Therefore, search engines have returned this indicator, although they are trying <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/krupneishie-kiberataki-samye-krupnye-kiberataki-v-rossii-i-mire.html">last years</a> replace it with something else. As of June 2017, all search engines take into account how many links lead to your site from other resources, the quality of these links, how they appeared, and other points. Links to your site are important <b>for both commercial and information sites</b>.</p> <p>In 2015, Yandex launched <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-vosstanovit-nedostayushchie-filtry-v-fotoshope-cs6-vosstanovlenie-nedostayushchih-filtrov-v-photoshop.html">new filter</a> for sites called " <b>Minusinsk"</b>. Sites with a large number of "bad", purchased and temporary links began to lose their positions. "Bad" links are links from resources with inappropriate topics (and, moreover, with prohibited content). However, links remain an important part of rankings.</p> <p>It is also important how the links appeared. If you place several links to a site at once, mindlessly buying them from hundreds of directories in a short period of time, this will lead to inevitable pessimization (downgrading in search results). It is better to post links little by little, but regularly.</p> <p><b>Regional</b></p> <p>Your company operates in a specific city or cities. Accordingly, the results of the search results are of interest to you for these settlements. Therefore, pay attention to the instructions on your site <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/distancionnoe-vklyuchenie-veb-kamery-smotri-vo-vse-glaza-kak-vzlamyvayut-ip--i.html">exact address</a>, geography of the company. It is also worth pointing out not only <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/zolotye-nomera-krasivye-nomera-cifry-udachi-prodat-svoi-nomer.html">mobile numbers</a> phones, but also landlines. This factor matters only for commercial sites. For <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/polozhenie-ob-ispolzovanii-informacionnoi-sistemy-polozhenie-ob.html">information resources</a> it is usually useless unless it is information about some place on the map.</p> <p><b>Social factors</b></p> <p>Now Yandex does not attach <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/znachenie-slova-oblaka-iz-cvetov-znachenie-slova-oblako-v.html">of great importance</a> social networks, but it would not be superfluous to indicate links to your accounts in the site template. You just need to keep in mind that these accounts must be up to date, and not abandoned. Social networks help in speeding up the indexing of site pages, creating a variety of links, and getting "hot" traffic to the site.</p> </ol><h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Each specified group of factors separately does not play a leading role. For example, if you focus on content on your site and nothing else, it will not bring <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/tri-soveta-po-sozdaniyu-stranicy-nichego-ne-naideno-sibiriks-tri.html">good results</a>. But if you start optimizing the site for all factors, in a complex way, then your chances of getting top positions in the search engine will increase significantly.</p> <p>When working on these factors, it should be borne in mind that you will not get the result instantly. Some changes will "work" faster, within 2-4 weeks, some much later. Improving the internal characteristics of the site gives relatively <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-sdelat-metallicheskii-effekt-v-fotoshope-bystryi-sposob.html">quick effect</a>. The longest time will have to wait for the result from a change in external factors that do not directly depend on you. Behavioral indicators are “accumulated” by the site for months, trust indicators - for years, and link indicators can be increased only gradually.</p> <p>I have been doing for several years <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/poiskovye-metody-prodvizheniya-v-internete-beloe-seo-instrukciya-dlya-slavnyh.html">search promotion</a> sites of Evgeny Popov. For those who don't know, Evgeny Popov is known as a successful information businessman and author of numerous training courses on website development and information business.</p> <p>Recently Eugene asked me to prepare an article about the most important ranking factors for Yandex and Google. I collected and analyzed information from many authoritative sources, plus additionally supported it with comments and explanations from my many years of experience in website promotion.</p> <p>As a result, a rather useful PDF report was created, which was called " <b>34 main ranking factors Yandex and Google</b>". This report was created at the end of 2016, but all of the factors listed are still relevant in 2018, as they are updated periodically. Especially given the latest innovations from search engines. Recently launched <b>new algorithms: Baden-Baden from Yandex and Google Fred</b>.</p> <p>For those who do not like to download something, I post below the full content of the analytical material entitled: "34 main ranking factors for Yandex and Google in 2016-2017."</p> <h3><span>ABOUT SELECTION OF FACTORS</span></h3> <p>Reading hundreds of factors (which search engines take into account) is interesting, but not very useful in terms of <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-primenit-ekshn-k-gruppe-fotografii-paketnaya-obrabotka-fotografii-v.html">practical application</a>. Most of the existing materials on this topic are either outdated or not initially adapted for the Russian-language Internet.</p> <p>We analyzed many publications and studies of various factors in authoritative sources (links are provided below). Additionally, we checked all these statements with the statements of the leading <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/skolko-stoit-akkaunt-razrabotchika-google-play-kak-dobavlyat-igry-v-google-play.html">Google Developers</a> and Yandex. The result is a selection of the most important factors that modern search engines Yandex and Google take into account.</p> <p>But we presented not only a description of the factors themselves, but also gave detailed explanations on them so that you can implement certain points on your sites and get <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/sozdaem-lending-v-wix-konstruktore-pridumaite-takoi-tekst-kotoryi-zahochetsya.html">real benefit</a> in <br>growth of positions in <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/poiskovye-sistemy-rossii-i-lidiruyushchie-poiskoviki-interneta-kakaya.html">search engines</a>.</p> <blockquote> <p>Please think for us. Remove the extra "water" and give us a sample closer to life "- such a request was made by one of the webmasters.</p> </blockquote> <p>Let me emphasize right away that you should not try to find out and take into account absolutely all search engine ranking factors. This is a pointless waste of time. And after reading the text below, you will understand why.</p> <p>According to data known from the developers <b>Yandex takes into account more than 800 factors</b> ranking, and <b>Google (at least) 271 factors</b>.</p> <p>Data on Yandex was obtained from an interview with the head of Yandex search services Alexander Sadovsky for www.sostav.ru, as well as from other statements by officials.</p> <p>Data for Google is based on a study of the northcutt.com resource.</p> <p>Additionally, materials from an article by Brian Dean (backlinko.com) were used. In his work, a foreign SEO specialist described more than 200 factors that Google takes into account when building search results.</p> <p>Below is a useful analytical material, but in no way does it claim to be the ultimate truth.</p> <p><b>Additional explanation:</b></p> <p>The dark color represents the Russian translation and description of the factor with <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/trikolor-tv-akcii-po-oplate-akcii-trikolor-tv-besplatnyh-uroka.html">of English language</a>(Information was taken from Brian Dean's article http://backlinko.com/google-ranking-factors).</p> <blockquote><p>The decoding of a specific factor is given in blue. You will be able to read not only the description, which is adapted to the modern realities of the Russian-language Internet, but also get valuable advice from 7 years of practical experience from SEO specialist Ruslan Savchenko.</p> </blockquote> <h2></h2> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/domennie-faktori-ranzhirovaniya-1024x272.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #1. DOMAIN AGE</span></h4> <p>« <i><b>The difference between a six-month domain and a one-year-old is actually not that big</b> </i>- Matt Cutts Head of Web Spam and Search Quality at Google.</p> <p>Search engines certainly take into account the age of the domain... but this is not a very important factor.</p> <blockquote><p><b>Ruslan Savchenko</b>: In fact, it is very important to distinguish between the concepts of "domain age" and "site age". Many novice webmasters buy domain names that have been registered for a long time, but sites on these domains have not developed.</p> <p>Search engines take into account the "age of the site." If the site was unavailable for a long time or there was a temporary page ("stub") - this does not count towards the age. In general, you should not focus much attention on the age of the domain, it is more important to work on the quality of the site.</p> <p>P.S. When buying a new site (domain), be sure to check its history through the https://archive.org/web/ service.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #2. AVAILABILITY OF KEYWORDS IN THE DOMAIN</span></h4> <p>Doesn't have the same effect as before, but the presence of keywords in the domain name is still taken into account. After all, search engines still bold keywords that appear in a domain name.</p> <blockquote><p>Keywords in the domain name are taken into account, although this is far from the most important factor. But if it is possible to register a domain name with a key phrase that accurately reflects the name and theme of the site, then why not do it?</p> <p>If there are keywords in the domain, they are highlighted. Accordingly, the click-through rate in search results increases. If the user sees in the site address the highlight of the words that he typed in the search bar, the likelihood of going to the site increases. This is a positive factor that is also taken into account.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/domen.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #3. DOMAIN HISTORY</span></h4> <p>A domain with a frequent change of ownership (via WHOIS) or an untimely renewal of registration (“drop”) can force search engines to “zero out” the site’s history and stop taking into account links pointing to the domain.</p> <blockquote><p>It is highly desirable that the domain owner does not change frequently. Each change of ownership temporarily "freezes" the trust accumulated in the site. Search algorithms are waiting to see what the new owner will do with the site.</p> <p>It is worth noting: if you drastically change the content of the site (not the design, but the theme and the content itself), then the search engines will also nullify the trust in your site. Domain age will no longer have the same impact.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #4. EXACT MATCH DOMAIN</span></h4> <p>Exact match domains (EMDs) can still give you an edge... as long as you have a quality site, of course. But when a low-quality site is hosted on such a domain, it is poorly protected from the EMD algorithm.</p> <blockquote><p>First, let's decipher what the so-called exact match domain (EMD) is.</p> <p>EMD-domain (Exact Match Domain) - if translated literally, then this is a domain with the exact occurrence of keywords. When you register a domain name that consists solely of a popular keyword phrase, it can make search algorithms suspicious. Domains at the greatest risk are:</p> <ul><li><span>with the words “buy, download, free, etc.” in the title.</span></li> <li><span>if the domain name contains only words from a popular key phrase, but there is no unique brand name, etc.</span></li> <li><span>If the domain consists of 3 or more keywords, for example, "buy real estate in Krasnodar inexpensively." Google has developed a special EMD algorithm that fights the so-called EMD domains.</span></li> </ul><p>The factor of occurrence of keywords in the domain name has less and less impact on search results, but all other things being equal, search engines will prefer a site with a narrow topic name (containing keywords) than a portal with a general theme.</p> <p>Which site do you think best answers the query "BMW repair". A website with the domain name AvtoMir.com or a website Remont.BMW-club.com? I am 100% sure that (without taking into account other factors) preference is given to the 2nd option. Google and Yandex think the same way.</p> <p>By the way, it was not in vain that I gave an example with the 3rd level subdomain Remont.BMW-club.com. The option with the 2nd level domain Remont-BMW.com would not be the most optimal.</p> <p>Representatives of search engines noted that they are very distrustful of 2nd-level domains, which consist exclusively of keywords. It is these domains that are at risk of being punished by the EMD algorithm. This is not surprising, because not so long ago, just on such <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/chto-nuzhno-dlya-sozdaniya-registratora-domenov-kak-zaregistrirovat-domennoe.html">domain names</a> created websites that are useless for people (“doorways”).</p> <p>But if the domain name is the name of your company or brand combined with a keyword, then this is a good option and EMD does not threaten it.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/primer-domena-EMD.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>Moreover, if you have a choice: register a domain consisting of keywords or your brand name, then it is better to give preference to the second option.</p> <p>After all, even if you are not afraid of the EMD algorithm, then the links leading to your site can no longer be completely anchorless. And for this you can get punished already from other algorithms and filters. For example, the same Google Penguin and Minusinsk from Yandex, which penalize sites for a large number of external links with direct occurrence of keywords in the anchor.</p> <p>But this is already a topic for a separate big conversation, so let's move on to the next ranking factors.</p> </blockquote> <h2></h2> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/faktori-ranzhirovaniya-na-urovne-stranici-1024x350.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #5. PRESENCE OF A KEYWORD IN THE TITLE TAG</span></h4> <p>The title tag is the second most important SEO parameter of a web page (after the content itself), and therefore has a strong impact on ranking for a particular search query.</p> <blockquote><p>Do not forget that it is the content of the “title” tag that Yandex and Google show in search results.</p> <p>If we explain the work of search engines as simply as possible, then the response to the user's request is formed based on the keywords that are present in the title tag, as well as in the text of the page itself. This is one of the most important SEO parameters.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/primer-zagolovka-v-tege-title.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>Another thing is that in no case should you oversaturate the text and title of the page with keywords. For this, modern search engines have various sanctions: from the “unique titles” filter to algorithms that punish spam, excessive content of keywords in the text of the page, etc.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #6. TITLE TAG BEGINS WITH A KEYWORD</span></h4> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/zavisimost_poziciy_ot_zapolneniya_tega_H1.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>It is important to understand that there is a page title (it is in the title tag) that users see in the search results.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/zagolovok_v_tege_title_v_poiske.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>But there is also a heading to the text on the page (it is in the H1 tag). Users see it after they have gone to the site page itself.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/zagolovok_v_tege_H1_na_stranice.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>Both of these headings are very important for <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/postradayut-profile-powered-by-smf-pervye-shagi-v-poiskovoi-optimizacii-simple-machines-forum.html">search engine optimization</a> site. That's why <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/v-kakih-sluchayah-ispolzuetsya-semanticheskoe-yadro-sostavlyaem-topovoe.html">key phrase</a> must be present in both tags.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #9. KEYWORD IS FREQUENTLY USED IN THE TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT</span></h4> <p>If a keyword appears in the text of a page more often than any other, then this is a positive factor in matching the page to a particular search query.</p> <blockquote><p>That is why, a few years ago, optimizers created SEO texts with a large occurrence of keywords, highlighted them in bold, etc. In modern conditions, for a large number of keywords in the text, you can quickly get a "spam filter" than to achieve some bonuses to the page relevance.</p> <p>Therefore, write texts that will be interesting for people to read, create pages that can solve a specific user problem. In modern conditions, even one occurrence of a key phrase in the text is already enough for it to be relevant to a particular search query.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #10. LATENT SEMANTIC KEYWORDS IN CONTENT INDEX (LSI)</span></h4> <p>LSI keywords help search engines determine the meaning of words with more than one meaning. For example, the word Apple is <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/programma-upravleniya-setyu-internet-kafe-sistema-upravleniya.html">computer company</a> or fruit. The presence or absence of LSI can also be an indicator of the quality of content on the site.</p> <blockquote><p>In recent years, the term LSI copywriting has even appeared. And compliance <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/sushchestvuyut-opredelennye-trebovaniya-k-usloviyam-okruzhayushchei-sredy-v-kotoryh-dolzhen.html">certain requirements</a> allows you to increase the relevance of a particular text and, accordingly, the entire page as a whole. Let's try to figure out what LSI is.</p> <p>To begin with, I will give a quote that in no case should you try to understand inexperienced people. If you are a beginner, it is better to skip this paragraph right away. But it is precisely such concepts that are given when, in some authoritative sources, such terms are tried to be explained in a more “scientific” language: “ <i>LSI is a singular value decomposition of the term-document matrix, which allows you to catch the key components of this matrix and ignore the noise.</i>» </p> <p>Have you read? Now forget. I'll try to give a clearer explanation:</p> <p>LSI is a way to determine the subject matter and quality of a text based on the analysis of the words it contains. Simply put, if the words “engine”, “wheel”, “steering wheel” are found in the text, then most likely the text is about a car.</p> <p>Search engines have begun to introduce algorithms that fight texts that are oversaturated with the same keywords. If the same key phrase is used very often in the text, then the search engines Yandex and Google have questions about the quality of the material.</p> <p>Either this is an attempt to artificially increase the importance of the page for a certain search query, or the author is not very competent in this topic, since he cannot use synonyms and, in general, a richer vocabulary. Both the first and second options can lead to a lowering of the site page in the search.</p> <p>The quality of the text design, the absence of grammatical errors and many other parameters are also taken into account.</p> <p>Texts that are written in accordance with the LSI requirements rarely fall under any filters and are much easier to climb to high places in the search. This is especially true in areas with high competition.</p> <p>P.S. Analyze your competitors who are in the first places in Google and Yandex. Look at the design of their pages, what words they use in their texts, etc. This will give you a lot of food for thought if your site is not already in the TOP.</p> <p>But this is a really big topic, and I don't want to bore you, so let's move on to the next factor.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #11. LSI KEYWORDS IN "TITLE" AND "DESCRIPTION" TAGS</span></h4> <p>As with site content, LSI keywords in a page's meta tags help determine the correct meaning of synonym words. It is also one of the relevancy factors.</p> <blockquote><p>Based on the context, search engine algorithms understand what subject a word with several meanings belongs to. For example, a headline appeared on the site: “A new pop star has lit up.” If the heading did not contain the word “variety art”, then it would not be clear to what subject this fragment of text should be referred to - to astronomy or to show business.</p> <p>That is why it is important that the title and description tags always contain words that clearly define the theme of your site page.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #12. HTML PAGE LOAD SPEED AND TECHNICAL ERRORS ON THE SITE</span></h4> <p>Search engines consider page loading speed as one of the ranking factors. Search engine bots can estimate the speed of your site quite accurately based on the page code and the size of the downloaded files.</p> <blockquote><p>This is not the most important factor. The same Alexander Sadovsky (head of Yandex search services) stated that the algorithms do not punish the site for any technical errors and shortcomings.</p> <p>But if there are no direct sanctions, then there is an indirect negative impact on the ranking. For example, if the pages of your site take a long time to load and errors constantly appear on them, this annoys users.</p> <p>Most often, dissatisfied visitors simply close your site and go to your competitors. Accordingly, the so-called behavioral factors worsen on your site. And they already directly affect the ranking. Moreover, there is a "bounce" rate. In particular, when a user spent less than 15 seconds on a page on your site and returned to the search.</p> <p>Accordingly, search engines will lower your site in the search results not for the technical shortcomings of your site themselves, but for the consequences that they cause.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #13. REPEATED CONTENT (INCLUDING DUPLICATED PAGES)</span></h4> <p>Identical content on the same site (even slightly altered) can negatively affect the site's visibility in search engines.</p> <blockquote><p>Duplicate pages, duplicate content on <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/chto-razmeshchat-na-glavnoi-stranice-aweber-primer-horoshei.html">different pages</a> Those are pretty negative factors. Thus, you take away the "weight" from your own pages.</p> <p>Moreover, you force search engine robots to index unnecessary non-unique content (pages). And search bots have a strictly limited time for each site.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #14. IMAGE OPTIMIZATION</span></h4> <p>The images on the pages convey <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/virus-shifrovalshchik-obnovlenie-pro-obnovlenie-windows-ot-virusa-shifrovalshchika-wannacry-sdelat-reze.html">important information</a> about their relevance. Search engines determine the subject of images by analyzing the file name of the image itself, and the text that is in the tags: alt, title, description.</p> <blockquote><p>Ideally, you need to fill in all the tags and make captions for the pictures. Especially the alt tag (alternative image text). Search engines pay attention to its content in the first place.</p> <p>Therefore, sign what is shown in the pictures. It is also desirable that the image description tags contain keywords for which the page itself is optimized.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #15. FREQUENCY AND SIZE OF CONTENT UPDATES</span></h4> <p>Search engines love newly updated content, especially for queries that are time sensitive.</p> <blockquote><p>Search engines love frequently updated sites. Of course, your old posts can also rank well, but if you make significant changes to them, add something, improve it, all this will only be a plus.</p> <p>Keep your content up to date, or write new posts and link to them from your old pages.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #16. KEYWORD VISIBILITY</span></h4> <p>The presence of a keyword in the first 100 words of a page's content is considered a significant relevancy signal.</p> <blockquote> <p>After all, if a user came to the page of the site and already at the beginning of the page did not find the answer to his request, then he, most often, will close your site and go to the search to look further. Search engines also understand this, so the presence of a keyword at the very beginning of the text has a double meaning.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #17. QUALITY AND THEME OF OUTGOING LINKS</span></h4> <blockquote> <p>What's more, many novice webmasters have read the now obsolete myth that outbound links take away valuable brand equity from their site and therefore add the parameter to all outbound links. Thus, they not only do not save the weight of their pages, but simply give it away.</p> <p>Plus, this approach harms your site. After all, should only be set if you are referring to a non-thematic resource.</p> <p>Experiments were carried out at various sites. So, pages from which there were links to high-quality thematic materials on the topic occupied higher places in the search than pages from which there were no outgoing links at all.</p> <p>The logic here is simple. Even the incredibly authoritative Wikipedia, which has a TIC score of 150,000 and huge trust from search engines, always refers to sources and additional materials on the topic. You will say that all their outgoing links are closed with the parameter. Yes, this is true, but it was done to protect against spammers. Since these measures have not yet been taken, many webmasters and optimizers have tried at all costs to get a link from Wikipedia.</p> <p>But the conclusion is simple. If you are not a well-known expert in your field and your Internet resource does not have much trust from search engines, then the algorithms of Yandex and Google are unlikely to believe that you wrote a very high-quality article without using a single source and never quoting anyone .</p> <p>Even worse, if you rewrote or, in other words, rewrote someone else's article in your own words. This is what search engines are fighting against, and their algorithms are already very good at identifying authors and plagiarists.</p> <p>By the way, this is a little secret why large analytical articles with non-unique parts of the text, but with links to sources or other materials on the topic, rank high in the search. In the same way, news aggregators successfully live, which publish non-unique materials, but always put active links to sources.</p> <p>There are other practical secrets and nuances about outbound links, but it's time for us to move on to the next factor.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #18. USEFUL SUPPORT CONTENT</span></h4> <p>According to the now publicly available <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/gugl-dok-onlain-kak-sozdat-gugl-dokumenty-google-doc-gugl-doks.html">Google document</a> Rater Guidelines, useful supporting content is an indicator of page quality (and therefore an additional ranking factor). Examples include: interest and loan calculators, currency converters, interactive recipes, etc.</p> <blockquote><p>All <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/dopolnitelnyi-vneshnii-akkumulyator-dlya-smartfona-portativnyi.html">additional functions</a> and features that benefit your site visitors also provide additional ranking bonuses. All additional "chips" affect not so much directly as indirectly. After all, while the user of the site uses a calculator or other function, he spends additional time on your site.</p> <p>Thus, by satisfying and engaging your site visitors, you improve user factors - and this is very important in today's conditions. It is these factors that have a direct impact on the position of your site in <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/vse-sekrety-poiska-v-google-naid-tsya-deistvitelno-vs-google-hranit-gigabaity.html">Google search</a> and Yandex.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #19. MULTIMEDIA MATERIALS ON THE SITE</span></h4> <p>Images, videos and other multimedia materials can signal the quality of the content.</p> <blockquote><p>In continuation of the previous factor. Thanks to <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/shikarnye-gify-animacionnye-gif-kartinki-i-otkrytki-krasivaya.html">beautiful pictures</a> and high-quality video, you can retain users of your site and improve behavioral data. Plus, search engines rank better pages that include images and videos.</p> <p>Other things being equal, a page with at least one image will rank higher in searches than its text-only counterpart.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #20. QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF INTERNAL LINKS POINTING TO THE PAGE</span></h4> <p>The number of internal links to a page shows its importance relative to other pages on the site.</p> <blockquote><p>What matters is the quality and quantity of links to the landing page. Each page of your site has a certain "weight". It can grow if this page leads <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kontakty-index-php-board-powered-by-smf-pervye-shagi-v-poiskovoi-optimizacii-simple-machines-forum.html">external links</a> from other sites or links from pages on your site.</p> <p>Accordingly, when you have written a new article on a certain topic, think about whether you already have an article on a similar topic and would it be appropriate to refer to it by the desired key phrase?</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #21. URL LENGTH</span></h4> <p>Search Engine Journal notes that URLs that are too long can hurt a page's relevancy.</p> <blockquote><p>There is such a trend. It is advisable to create short page URLs. Ideally, they should consist of 2-3 keywords written in transliteration.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #22. LIVING PEOPLE-ASESSORS</span></h4> <p>Although it hasn't been confirmed, Google has filed a patent for a system that allows human editors to influence the SERP (Search Results Page).</p> <blockquote><p>The so-called assessors are indeed present in both Yandex and Google. Of course, there are millions of sites, and manually evaluating all the search results is unrealistic. But the highest places (TOP 10) of search results in the most competitive topics are also evaluated by special assessors.</p> <p>That is why initially low-quality sites have very little chance of reaching the TOP of search results. Even if we assume that the owners of “bad” sites will unravel the current search engine algorithms and come out on top in the search, then there will be very little chance of staying there for a long time.</p> </blockquote> <h2></h2> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/faktori-ranzhirovaniya-na-urovne-sayta-1024x335.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #23. WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION FOR MOBILE DEVICES</span></h4> <blockquote><p>The creation of adaptive sites in our time is no longer a tribute to "fashion", but a real necessity. Sites that are not mobile-friendly are penalized by search engines and drop heavily in mobile search results.</p> <p>It's no secret that most modern people are looking for goods and services on the Internet, including from tablets, <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/leonid-kupriyanovich-kak-sovetskii-inzhener-izobrel-mobilnyi-telefon-mobilnyi.html">mobile phones</a> etc.</p> <p>In some topics, the percentage of users who access sites exclusively from mobile devices reaches 80%.</p> <p>Therefore, if you have not yet made the design of your site adaptive, then it is time to urgently do it. You are simply losing new visitors and potential customers.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #24. COMMERCIAL FACTORS</span></h4> <blockquote><p>If you have a commercial site, then modern commercial factors have a rather serious impact on its position in the search. These include: the presence of a contact page, a convenient order form, the availability of delivery, the availability of the service <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/nomer-tehnicheskoi-podderzhki-apple-kak-obratitsya-v-tehnicheskuyu.html">technical support</a> customers, product range, etc.</p> <p>In fact, only the most important commercial factors can be listed more than 30. This is a specific topic and there are many nuances here, so we will consider this issue in detail separately.</p> </blockquote> <h2></h2> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/faktori-ranzhirovaniya-obratnie-ssilki-1024x387.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #25. LINKS FROM OLD DOMAIN</span></h4> <blockquote><p>I completely agree. But it is worth noting that getting links from authoritative domains is quite difficult (or expensive). Of course, there are certain interesting methods of obtaining quality and natural links (including at no cost). But this is a big separate topic, so let's move on.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #26. NUMBER OF LINKING DOMAIN</span></h4> <p>The number of referring domains is one of the most important ranking factors in the Google algorithm, as you can see from the Moz graph (the horizontal axis is the position in the list of search results):</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/zavisimost_poziciy_ot_kolichestva_domenov.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>My personal observations also confirm the information described above. It's better to have 10 backlinks from 10 different domains than 20 backlinks from the same domain.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #27. LINKS FROM COMPETITOR SITES</span></h4> <blockquote><p>Here we are talking about the following. For example, you are advancing on the request: "buy a car in Moscow." If you received links from sites that are in the TOP 10 for the same request, then this would give a powerful effect.</p> <p>But let's be realistic. In topics with high competition, no one wants to link to a competitor. Unless you're a genius for threats or diplomacy.</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ssilki_s_saytov-konkurentov.jpg' height="758" width="660" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <blockquote><p>Although in my practice there have been cases when I managed to get a non-anchor link (just by URL) from a competitor's site in the TOP 10. But this is more an exception to the rule.</p> <p>At the same time, it is not necessary to try to get links from direct competitors. See sites outside the TOP 10. Moreover, you can search for sites on related queries in the same topic.</p> <p>By the way, in information topics there are several interesting approaches, thanks to which you can get links from "indirect" competitor sites. This is an important and large topic, so we will definitely consider it separately.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #28. LINKS AND MENTIONS OF THE SITE IN SOCIAL NETWORKS</span></h4> <blockquote><p>Links and mentions of the name of your site in social networks give both a direct and indirect effect for promotion. By the way, some social networks work better for Yandex, and some for Google. And we are talking not only about Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte.</p> <p>Moreover, there is an approach that allows you not only to increase the credibility of the pages of your site (due to links from social networks), but also to further promote specific search queries.</p> <p>Also, now it is becoming more and more important to work on getting not only links, but also reviews, mentions of your site on various forums, recommendation sites, in the same social networks. Including when a particular Internet resource is not at all worth <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/proverka-obratnyh-vneshnih-ssylok-proverka-obratnyh-vneshnih-ssylok-kak.html">back link</a> to your site, and there is only a mention of the brand or domain name in the text.</p> <p>This area is called crowd marketing, and it is difficult to do without it to achieve high results in competitive topics.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #29. THE QUALITY OF THE CONTENT SURROUNDING THE LINK</span></h4> <blockquote><p>Everything is logical here. If the donor page that will link to your site has high-quality and interesting content, beautiful design, useful pictures, videos, etc., then it can rank higher in search engines. And such a page will have more trust from Yandex and Google. Accordingly, links from such a page will have more weight and authority.</p> <p>It's pretty silly to acquire a link to your site from a quality site, but post in some uninteresting and poorly designed content. Even worse, if this page is placed in some section with a large nesting level. For example, it will be placed in a very old material that is in the archive.</p> <p>Moreover, the owners of high-quality Internet resources are unlikely to allow poor quality materials to be placed on their site. And if they allow publishing bad articles with links on their site, then questions immediately arise about the prospects and the value of such a donor site.</p> </blockquote> <h2></h2> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/ruslansavchenko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/faktori-ranzhirovaniya-polzovatelskie-1024x312.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4><span>FACTOR #30. REFUSAL RATE</span></h4> <p>Search engines may well use users as quality testers (if there are many bounces, the site is most likely not of very good quality).</p> <blockquote><p>A “bounce” is when a user spends less than 15 seconds on a particular page of the site and then goes back to the search results. This factor, combined with other behavioral data, allows search engines to further evaluate the quality of certain web pages.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #31. REPEATED VISITS TO THE SITE</span></h4> <p>Search engines can also see if users return to a site after their first visit. Repeated traffic can increase the position of the site in the list of search results.</p> <blockquote><p>Not only repeated visits to the site are taken into account, but also many other actions. For example, how often users bookmark the site, whether they go to the site directly from the URL, whether they enter the site name in search, whether they share links to the site, etc.</p> </blockquote> <h4><span>FACTOR #32. NUMBER OF COMMENTS ON THE SITE</span></h4> <p>Pages with a large number of comments can be a signal of user activity and an indirect confirmation of the quality of the content.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> <div class="td-pb-span4 td-main-sidebar" role="complementary"> <div class="td-ss-main-sidebar"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <script type="text/javascript"> try { var sbmt = document.getElementById('submit'), npt = document.createElement('input'), d = new Date(), __ksinit = function() { sbmt.parentNode.insertBefore(npt, sbmt); }; npt.value = d.getUTCDate() + '' + (d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + 'uniq9065'; npt.name = 'ksbn_code'; npt.type = 'hidden'; sbmt.onmousedown = __ksinit; sbmt.onkeypress = __ksinit; } catch (e) {} </script> <div class="td-sub-footer-container td-container-wrap "> <div class="td-container "> <div class="td-pb-row "> <div class="td-pb-span td-sub-footer-menu "></div> <div class="td-pb-span td-sub-footer-copy ">2022 bar812.ru. 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